1. answer; reply; response
2. answer; solution; result
Kanji used
Pitch accent
Examples (74 in total)
Is this the answer?
I'm sorry, but the answer is no.
That's the answer.
I don't want to say the answer.
That's a good answer.
Have you worked out the answer yet?
Do you know the answer?
Where does the answer lie?
Your answer is right.
Perhaps that's the answer.
Your answer is correct.
That answer is wrong.
We need an answer.
It was impossible to find an answer.
Write your answer with a pen.
Your answer is not to the point.
Write your answer on the whiteboard.
That's the answer I was waiting for.
Your answer is different from mine.
She already knew the answer.
I don't have an answer for that.
Don't tell him the answer.
You might be surprised when you hear the answer.
This answer makes me angry.
I must find the answer.
It is clear that he knows the answer.
If you don't know the answers, guess.
Answer the following questions in English.
My answer corresponds with yours.
Mark the correct answer.
Compare your answers with the teacher's.
Raise your hand if you know the answer.
His answer was not favorable.
Your answer is far from perfect.
Check your answer with his.
Strictly speaking, his answer is not correct.
If only I knew the answer now!
This is not the answer he was expecting.
Neither of those answers is correct.
He pretended not to know the answer.
The teacher was disappointed at my answer.
I'm not saying that your answers are always wrong.
Carol refused; in other words her answer was "no."
He came up with an answer to our problem.
His answer is far from right.
To see the answer to the question, simply click on the question.
Please choose a suitable answer and write it in the blank space.
He knocked on the door again and again, but there was no answer.
There is no satisfactory answer a parent can give to this.
You must be careful when you write answers in a test.
One of these two answers is right.
He whispered the answer in my ear.
You only have to answer the first question.
Thousands of people wanted to know the answer.
The sign means that the answer is correct.
I think Tom would know the answer to that question.
Your answer to the question turned out to be wrong.
He was so confused that his answer did not make any sense.
Your answer is far from satisfactory.
Let's check why your answers differ from mine.
Do you think there is another answer to this difficult problem?
What I'm about to say will answer your question.
Those questions can be answered quite simply.
The manager gave the precise answer which I was looking for.
He gave a positive answer to my question.
No matter who you ask, you won't be able to get a satisfactory answer.
History presents us with many different answers to each question.
Do you really need to ask the question to know the answer?
Scientists began to find answers to these questions.
I got it! The answer is 24, right?
He gave three wrong answers.
I wrote the answers carefully.
His answer is reasonable.
I know the answer, but it's hard to say it here.