Verb (する)
1. being elected
2. being selected (to win a prize, etc.)
3. winning (in a lottery, raffle, etc.)
Pitch accent
Composed of
this; our; the ... in question; right; justice; fairness
selection; choice; choosing; picking; election
Used in vocabulary (10 in total)
successful candidate
winning number (e.g. in lottery); lucky number
being projected to win; being certain to be elected; being sure of being elected
winning one's first election; being elected for the first time
winning ticket (in a lottery, etc.)
win an election due to another's death or disqualification
failing to win an electoral seat in a single-member constituency, but winning a seat in a proportionally represented constituency
(having a) good chance of being elected (winning) (in an election)
candidates (in an election) who have won or are projected to be elected
electoral quota (e.g. in a proportional representation system)
Examples (7 in total)
He'll probably win in the next election.
The candidate whom I cast a vote for was elected.
Mary had a dream that she won the lottery.