1. Tokyo
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (25 in total)
Hawker's least shrew (Sorex minutissimus hawkeri)
Tokyo Metropolis (prefecture); Tokyo metropolitan area
Tokyo dialect; Tokyo accent
Tokyo Skytree; broadcasting tower with observation deck in Sumida ward, Tokyo, Japan
Great Tokyo Air Raid (March 10, 1945)
Tokyo Trials; International Military Tribunal for the Far East; IMTFE
departing Tokyo
arriving in Tokyo
situated in Tokyo
Tokyo dialect (esp. historical)
Little Tokyo; Japantown
epitome of Tokyo; miniature Tokyo
government of Tokyo Metropolis
Tokyo-style accent, widely used in Japan
Tokyo Foreign Exchange Market yen exchange rate
Examples (200 in total)
This is the best Indian restaurant anywhere in Tokyo.
I want to go to Tokyo.
He is in Tokyo.