1. east
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (35 in total)
eastern direction; the Orient
eastern direction; the Orient
east side; east bank
east and west; Orient and Occident; East and West
East Germany (1949-1990); German Democratic Republic
east wind; spring wind
eastern Japan (usu. east of the Chūbu region)
eastern Japan (usu. east of the Chūbu region)
due east
eastern office (esp. police); eastern department
facing east
constantly eastward
East Indies; East India
going from west to east
Eastern Roman Empire
eastern hemisphere; the Orient
Higashiyama period (cultural and artistic period of the mid-Muromachi)
eastern side house (in traditional palatial-style architecture)
East Timor; Timor-Leste
the light comes from the East; the light rises from the East; ex oriente lux
eastern gorilla (Gorilla beringei)
eastern grass owl (Tyto longimembris); Australian grass owl
Gervais' beaked whale (Mesoplodon europaeus); Antillian beaked whale; Gulf Stream beaked whale; European beaked whale
East is East, and West is West
Eastern Jerusalem
Examples (18 in total)
The moon rises in the east.
What direction is east?
The plane flew east.