Adjective (の)
Verb (する)
1. voting; poll
Pitch accent
Composed of
pitching ability; counter for pitches
vote; ballot; label; ticket; tag
Used in vocabulary (45 in total)
popularity contest
ballot paper; voting paper
local referendum; poll of residents; plebiscite
vote of confidence
results of a vote; voting results
final vote; run-off ballot
voter turnout; (polling) turnout
national referendum
polling place
referendum; popular vote; plebiscite
without a vote
absentee ballot; absentee voting
total number of votes cast
electronic voting; e-voting
secret vote; secret ballot
spoilt (invalid) vote
plebiscite; referendum
absentee voting
voting by proxy
polling or voting district
dissenting vote; vote of opposition; negative vote; blackballing
voting for one person only
secret balloting with multiple entries
cumulative voting
on-the-sea ballot (votes cast in a federal election by ships' crewmen and sent by fax)
postal voting; postal ballot; voting by mail
Examples (30 in total)
We'll decide by voting.
Vote for me!
Are you going to vote?