Verb (する)
1. investment
Pitch accent
Composed of
pitching ability; counter for pitches
funds; capital; material; basis; character; qualities
Used in vocabulary (47 in total)
prior investment; upfront investment
investment bank
initial investment
investment trust; mutual fund
capital investment; capital expenditure; investment in plant and equipment
equity investment
investment capital
diversified investment
public investment
investing in oneself
investment advisor; financial adviser
investment plan
private investment; individual investment
direct investment
return of investment
investment strategy
overseas investment
corporate spending
foreign investment
investment loss
trust investment
investments in securities
capital investment
land investment; investment in land
investment climate; investment environment
new investment
cash investment
inward investment
ethical investment
investment function
inventory investment
investment spending; investment expenditure
marginal efficiency of investment
investment industry
foreign investment
increased investment
intensive investment
investment corporation
Nippon Individual Savings Account; NISA
Nippon Individual Savings Account; NISA
impact investing; impact investment
limited liability investment partnership
accumulated stock investment plan
Examples (17 in total)
Education is an investment in the future.
The return on the investment will be high.
The government should invest more money in agriculture.