Verb (する)
1. effort; exertion; endeavour; endeavor; hard work; striving
Pitch accent
Composed of
third principle of the Eight Principles of Yong; downward stroke
strength; power; proficiency; ability
Used in vocabulary (13 in total)
hard worker; hardworking person
fruit of one's labor; result of one's efforts
after efforts in vain
Examples (141 in total)
My wife's trying to sleep.
Amy made an effort to stand up.
His efforts were in vain.
I admire Tom's efforts.
Her efforts bore fruit.
Success depends on your efforts.
I made an effort to finish my work.
His efforts resulted in failure.
The reason for your failure is that you did not try hard enough.
Our effort ended in failure.
The success resulted from your efforts.
All his efforts were useless.
I concentrated my effort on the study.
It is important that we make an effort.
Effort produces fine results.
All my efforts went for nothing.
My efforts have brought me good luck.
I tried to fulfill my duty.
He endeavors to attain his goal.
Nothing can be gained without effort.
That is a fruit of your effort.
Success depends mostly on effort.
He endeavored to win the contest.
Your efforts will soon pay off.
All his efforts came to nothing.
I try to be positive all the time.
You must try hard to the end.
He mocked my efforts.
I will try to live up to your expectations.
I worked hard to get into my preferred school.
Nothing is achieved without effort.
He has made a fortune through hard work.
You cannot achieve anything without effort.
I'm sure your efforts will result in success.
She endeavored to live up to their expectations.
If you are to succeed, you should make efforts.
He labored to complete the work.
They valued my efforts.
Whether you will succeed or not depends on your efforts.
Thanks to his efforts, he attained his object.
The efforts brought about no effect.
Whether you succeed or not depends on your own efforts.
You tried very hard every day.
My efforts produced no results.
I made efforts to improve my grades.
His persistent efforts resulted in failure.
Society will be better if we work together.
Despite our efforts, we failed after all.
He tried to make his wife happy, but he couldn't.
Their efforts made the situation better to a certain degree.
You only have to try hard.
We made much effort to build the boat.
He sought to be rich and famous.
You should make as much effort as possible in whatever you do.
He is a fine man who spares no effort.
A considerable amount of time and effort have been spent already.
Efforts do not always pay off.
Your effort deserves praise.
Our success was due to his efforts.
She is trying to save as much money as she can.
Success depends on your own exertions.
I'll make an effort to get up early every morning.
Big successes result from constant effort.
Tom worked hard to achieve his goals.
She wrote the book with very little effort.
I will try to do my best.
Great effort was one factor in his success.
You should make an effort to stop smoking.
No one can achieve anything without effort.
We must work hard to promote world peace.
The government should endeavor to curb inflation.
I want to work from the taxpayers' point of view.
The United Nations makes efforts to keep the earth in a state of peace.
If you put in the effort, you will certainly see the light.
He tried harder to get good marks than I did.
We made every effort to help him.
His success on the examination is due to his efforts.
We must try to protect the environment.
After all his efforts, he also failed this time.
With just a little more effort, he would have succeeded.
You can make your dream come true by working hard.
He made every effort to pass the exam.
We should try to obtain peace.
He surmounted the obstacles with great effort.
The government is trying to bring things back to normal.
The doctor tried hard to save the wounded boy.
No matter how hard he tried, he could not get out of the maze.
You must endeavor to improve your English.
The dying man made an effort to say something, but could not.
He made great efforts to stop the reform as best he could.
Success in life calls for constant efforts.
They strive constantly to improve customer relations.
My success was, for the most part, thanks to his efforts.
Thanks to his efforts, all the crew were saved.
In practice, ability counts for more than effort.
The UN endeavored to supply refugees with food.
The teacher tried to accustom the children to school.
When he took the exam, he tried hard but failed it.
Jane makes the utmost effort to win.
He made superhuman efforts to maintain world peace.
You should try to conquer your smoking habit.
In short, all our efforts resulted in nothing.
You must make an effort to get along with everyone.
Whether you will succeed or not depends upon your own exertions.
Japan is still struggling to emerge from recession.
The government isn't doing its best to solve the housing problem.
They made a great effort to settle the problem.
The teachers are trying to motivate their students.
She steered our efforts in the right direction.
He did his best never to think of her.
You should persist in your efforts to learn English.
All my efforts are nothing in comparison with yours.
She made great efforts to pass the examination.
He made every effort to get out of that habit.
If you intend to win, you should do your best.
Although she was tired, she tried to finish the work.
All participants made that great effort in the Olympics.
He is making every possible effort to pass the examination.
I will make every effort to pass the entrance examination.
We must try to preserve the remains of ancient civilizations.
Many efforts have been make to develop market for imports.
Scientists are working hard to put an end to AIDS.
Our success, after all, is due to his earnest efforts.
He made a lot of efforts to become a famous actor.
The doctor is trying to solve many of the riddles of cancer.
He has consistently endeavored to help the poor.
To master even a single skill requires an extraordinary amount of patience and effort.
We must work hard to break down social barriers.
He made every effort to avoid yielding to the temptation to start drinking again.
We shall continue our efforts to eradicate racial discrimination.
Research requires a lot of energy, but it's worth the effort.
The government has made efforts to make our country clean and green.
Homeroom teachers should make every effort to keep in touch with their students.
Tom's efforts were in vain.
Years of effort came to nothing.
Your efforts will one day bear fruit.
I rediscovered the importance of constant efforts.
He worked hard, finishing the report in one week.
What with good fortune, and his own effort, he won the first prize in the contest.
The boy isn't aware of his parents' efforts to raise him.
The small country is making great efforts to keep up with other developing countries.