1. natural resources
Pitch accent
Composed of
nature; spontaneity; natural airhead
Used in vocabulary (1 in total)
Examples (16 in total)
The United States is abundant in natural resources.
Australia is rich in natural resources.
That country has natural resources.
Water is a natural resource of vital importance.
The country is rich in natural resources.
Natural resources are not limitless.
Japan is not rich in natural resources.
This country is poor in natural resources.
The country is abundant in natural resources.
We depend on foreign nations for our natural resources.
Our country must develop its natural resources.
We have consumed all the natural resources.
We should make the best of the limited natural resources we have.
We had better utilize our natural resources.
The country's economy has developed making use of its rich national resources.
The regions with the fewest natural resources rely on importation to increase their standard of living.