1. the whole world
2. the whole country
3. society; the public
4. supremacy over a nation; government of a country; the ruling power
5. having one's own way; doing as one pleases
Adjective (の)
6. peerless; incomparable; superlative; world-famous
7. shogun (Edo period)
Pitch accent
Composed of
sky; heaven; God; svarga (heaven-like realm visited as a stage of death and rebirth); deva (divine being of Buddhism); top (of a book); sole (of a Japanese sandal)
under (influence, control, conditions, etc. of); during (war, occupation, etc.)
Used in vocabulary (33 in total)
unification of the whole country
peace and tranquillity; halcyon times of peace; peaceful world
unify the nation by force; (lit.) spread military force under the heavens
rule over the whole country
eventful times for the nation (world); the nation (world) being in turmoil; the storm clouds gathering in the land
peerless (unparalleled, matchless, unequaled) in the country
under blazing sun
peerless; unequaled; unequalled
peerless; unequaled; unequalled
unique thing; best on earth
ruler of the whole country; person who holds the reins of government
best article under heaven; peerless
the world and the nation; the state of the world; high affairs of state
peerless; unequalled; unequaled
licensed; chartered; officially allowed; legitimate
fateful; decisive (e.g. war)
all over the world
the best in the land; the best of its kind in the country; par excellence in the whole country
the whole nation; all the people in the land
short-lived rule; being in power only for a brief period; brief championship
right and proper; legal
money comes and goes; money goes around and around
common knowledge; widely known; known to everybody
being the sole master of the situation; reigning supreme; standing unchallenged
The Nonpareil Kitchen (nickname for Osaka); The Kitchen of the Nation
peerless; unequaled; unequalled
beautiful scenery
very short-lived regime; very brief reign; (lit.) (Napoleon's post-Elba) Hundred Days
those who wish to rule the land must first cultivate their own characters, then manage their families, then govern their states; only then can they bring peace to the land
one's last resort; trump card
superlative view
husband being henpecked; house where the wife is the boss; petticoat government
a straw will show which way the wind blows; a falling leaf shows that autumn has come