1. sky
2. heaven
3. God
4. svarga (heaven-like realm visited as a stage of death and rebirth)
5. deva (divine being of Buddhism)
6. top (of a book)
7. sole (of a Japanese sandal)
8. beginning; start
9. tempura
10. India
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (221 in total)
heavenly god; heavenly gods; spirit of Sugawara no Michizane; Tenmangu shrine (dedicated to Michizane's spirit); pit of a dried plum; dried plum; tenjin hairstyle
tempura; deep-fried fish and vegetables in a light batter
natural laws; rule of heaven
Benten (goddess of arts and wisdom)
gelidium jelly strips (made from agar-agar); prostate orgasm
sixth heaven (of the desire realm)
southern sky; heavenly bamboo (Nandina domestica); nandina
naturally curly hair
weather; the elements; fair weather; fine weather
(balance) scales; shoulder carrying pole; steelyard
water and sky; Varuna; Vedic god of water and sky (adopted into Buddhism as god of water and protector of the west)
emperor; ruler (with a heavenly mandate); heavenly being; celestial being
corduroy; corded velveteen
beyond the heavens; farthest regions; furthest regions
open air
tempura donburi; tempura served over a bowl of rice; (in comedy) repeating the same gag or silly line
heaven and earth; the universe; nature; top and bottom; realm; sphere
nature; natural constitution; innate disposition
divine punishment; wrath of God; justice of heaven; suitable punishment; just deserts; come-uppance
the whole world; the whole country; society; the public; supremacy over a nation; government of a country; having one's own way
sky; air; ether; firmament; the heavens
heaven's punishment; divine punishment; well-deserved punishment; just punishment
traditional short winter coat resembling a haori without gussets; livery coat; half the sky; mid-air; middle of the sky
central black dot on a go board; Tengen era (978.11.29-983.4.15)
Tenna era (1681.9.29-1684.2.21); Tenwa era
descendant of a god; heavenly grandson
thin dipping sauce for tempura
style of classical Japanese swordsmanship involving use of two swords
piling up high (food in a bowl); filling (a bowl); heaped bowl
weather; astronomical phenomena
tenkasu; crunchy bits of fried batter left after cooking tempura
sky; the heavens; God; the Lord; ascension (into heaven)
Ten'ichijin; Nakagami; god of fortune in Onmyōdō who descends to the northeast on the 46th day of the sexagenary cycle and completes a clockwise circuit, spending five days on each cardinal point and six days on each ordinal point, returning to heaven from the north on the 30th day of the next sexagenary cycle; travelling in the direction of Ten'ichijin is considered unlucky
Virudhaka (Buddhist deity)
eeny, meeny, miny, moe; eenie, meenie, minie, moe
genius; prodigy; natural gift
the whole world; the whole country; society; the public; supremacy over a nation; government of a country; having one's own way
deva realm (svarga)
decorative curtain hung from the ceiling; tent; pavilion; marquee
top of the head; crown of the head
the heavens
natural enemy
God's will; heaven's decree; mandate of Heaven; one's life; one's lifespan
heavenly garment
heavenly realm; deva realm
demon of the sixth heaven in the realm of desire who tries to prevent people from doing good
heavenly palace; sky
heavenly body; celestial body; astronomical object
the whole sky
vocation; lifework; sacred task (esp. the emperor's rule over the nation); prostitute of the second-highest class (Edo period)
heaven and earth; top and bottom
albatross (esp. the short-tailed albatross, Phoebastria albatrus)
heaven; paradise
deva and naga; heavenly dragon
deva and naga; heavenly dragon
dawn; daybreak; Tenmei era (1781.4.2-1789.1.25)
countertop; tabletop
Tenshō era (1573.7.28-1592.12.8)
castle tower
freezing weather; agar-agar; vegetable gelatin
mid-air; mid-heaven; zenith
God and man; heaven and man
Lord of Heaven; God
heavenly voice; off the record instructions; influential person's opinion; powerful person's verdict
natural span of life; 250 years old
night sky
God's gift; God's blessing; grace of God; godsend
Tenpyō era (729.8.5-749.4.14); Tenbyō era; Tenhei era
one's nature; talents; destiny; mission; sphere of activity
the heavenly eye
changing the world; turning the tide; torpedo modified as a suicide weapon (used in WWII)
all heaven
weather; sky colour; sky color
divine will; providence
fine weather
celestial sphere; the heavens
blazing heat; scorching sun
destiny; will of Heaven; luck
Uranus (planet)
rain water
godsend; gift from providence
tenmoku; ceramics (esp. tea bowls) with a dark glaze that resembles oil spotting; tenmoku tea-bowl; dark-glazed conical tea-bowl of Chinese origin
the whole world; throughout heaven and earth
Brahma (Hindu god); large staff with plaited paper streamers (used at religious festivals or as a sign); buoy (used in longline fishing, gillnetting, etc.); down puff (on the end of an ear pick)
naturally occurring; nature; disposition; vocation; calling
Tendai sect (of Buddhism)
the whole world
celestial world; heaven
Śakra (Deva); Shakra; Indra; Shakra Devanam Indra; the king of heaven in Hindu mythology
deduction in advance (of tax, interest, etc.)
secret of nature; profound secret; disposition; character; emperor's health; emperor's well-being
inherent; innate
Benzaiten; Saraswati; goddess of music, eloquence, also wealth and water
Benzaiten; Saraswati; goddess of music, eloquence, also wealth and water
imperial court
natural law; rule of heaven
Ptolemaic theory; geocentric model; geocentrism
heavenly beings shown flying around the main image in a temple; Feitian (2008 Chinese space suit)
heaven's dispensation; divine providence; plan of nature
natural defences; natural defenses; steep place
divine punishment
fire caused by lightning
imperial lands; shogun's demesne
in the open; the open air
Marici (Buddhist god of war)
imperial authority; imperial majesty
zenith; divine will; providence
pillars supporting heaven
heaven's vengeance; heaven's net
boorishness; coarseness; stupidity
heavenly; divine; inspired; heaven sent
imperial coronation crown; celestial crown; crown worn by Buddha and celestial beings
Mahakala (incarnation of Mahesvara); Daikokuten (god of wealth)
Yuanshi Tianzun (one of the supreme divinities of Taoism)
heavenly hosts
God doesn't give with both hands; God does not give two gifts; heaven does not grant people more than one talent
Tentoku era (957.10.27-961.2.16)
Sri-mahadevi (consort of Vaishravana)
Sri-mahadevi (consort of Vaishravana)
the three deities (Marici, Mahakala, Sarasvati); the three celestials (Shiva, Vishnu and Brahma)
various deities; the gods
sky; heavens; palace
twelve devas (esp. of the Shingon sect)
heavenly being; celestial being; celestial nymph; celestial maiden
the ancestral Sun Goddess
Ministry of State (Zhou-dynasty China)
natural talents
point of heaven; corner of the sky
heavenly immortal (in Taoism)
Tenbun era (1532.7.29-1555.10.23)
work of nature
magnifying glass (esp. in physiognomy, palm reading, etc.)
gods of heaven and earth
Cheondoism; Chondoism; Korean religion
(Roman) Catholicism
the full scope of the heavens; 360 degrees; one full revolution of Earth; twelve years; one full cycle of the Chinese calendar
Vaisravana (Buddhist deity)
upper surface; top side
natural products
Tenroku era (970.3.25-973.12.20)
bad weather
blessings of heaven; favour of emperor; favor of emperor; divination's luckiest day; blessings of nature
Tusita heaven; Tushita; one of the six heavens of the desire realm
main southern gate of the Heian Palace's reception compound
Tenchō era (824.1.5-834.1.3)
talcum powder
emperor's work
earth and heaven; human and heavenly beings
earth and heaven; human and heavenly beings
emperor's countenance
gilt top (book)
in heaven; heavenly
Milky Way
Mahesvara (Shiva in the Buddhist pantheon)
heaven helps those who help themselves
onigiri with shrimp tempura filling
natural products
nature; natural elements
pedestrian mall; car-free pedestrian mall; (lit.) pedestrian paradise
heaven of the thirty-three; one of the six heavens of the desire realm
celestial axis
(being in) high spirits
revere heaven, love people
Ten'ō era (781.1.1-782.8.19)
chicken tempura (specialty of Oita prefecture)
heaven of the Four Great Kings; one of the six heavens of the desire realm
true merit; natural nobility
Yama (as protector deity of the south in esoteric Buddhism)
the six domains of the desire realm; the six heavens of the desire realm
deva; celestial being
deva; celestial being
celestial poles
divine aid
Tenshō era (1131.1.29-1132.8.11)
silk velvet
box lunch with tempura
Tennin era (1108.8.3-1110.7.13)
celestial coordinates
Mahesvara (Shiva in the Buddhist pantheon)
heaven of enjoying emanations; one of the six heavens of the desire realm
right triumphs over wrong, law triumphs over right, power triumphs over law, heaven triumphs over power; no man can oppose the divine
right triumphs over wrong, law triumphs over right, power triumphs over law, heaven triumphs over power; no man can oppose the divine
Tiangong (Chinese space program)
imperial throne
weather conditions
heaven-shaking event; earth-shattering occurrence
sphere of fixed stars (in the Ptolemaic system)
gifted with two things (usu. beauty and intelligence)
there's no flying from fate; you can't fight fate
sincerity can move heaven
Way of the Celestial Masters (ancient Chinese Daoist movement orig. known as The Way of the Five Pecks of Rice)
tempura soba without the noodles; missing the vital element
tapestry turban (species of turban shell, Turbo petholatus)
Wei-To (temple guardian sometimes confused with Vajrapani)
faith will move mountains
to have a narrow view of things
tuning peg (on a biwa or shamisen)
auspicious day for any activity (according to the koyomi)
celestial equator
rise of the dragon (bringing rain around the time of the spring equinox)
to make a personal judgment on a problem with little insight; (lit.) to look at the sky through a tube (Zhuangzi)
you can do anything if you set your mind to; (lit.) even an ant's thoughts reach the heavens
Examples (3 in total)
Help yourself and God will help you.
Only he and the heavens know what he experienced.
Heaven is under our feet as well as over our heads.