1. appointed time; timetable; schedule
Kanji used
carve into
Pitch accent
Top 38800
Used in vocabulary (2 in total)
on schedule; on time
on schedule; on time
Examples (15 in total)
The plane will get in on time.
The train arrived on time.
The play began exactly on time.
The plane arrived at New York on schedule.
Buses in the country don't usually come on time.
The snow prevented us from arriving on time.
The train will arrive on time without fail.
The eight o'clock bus was early today.
I inquired whether the plane would arrive on time.
She will do her best to be here on time.
Our plane took off exactly on time at six.
We took a taxi so as to reach there on time.
Not a single student was late.
The heavy snowfall prevented our train from leaving on time.
The bus arrived ten minutes late.