1. currency
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (31 in total)
virtual currency; cryptocurrency
monetary unit; currency unit
key currency
electronic currency; digital currency; e-currency
local currency
currency value; value of a currency
international currency
managed currency system
digital currency
monetary policy
seigniorage; seignorage; seigneurage
currency swap
single currency; currency unification
home currency rate; denominated in local currency
currency sign; currency symbol
reserve currency
monetary union; currency union; common currency
European Monetary Fund; EMF
European Monetary System; EMS
cash currency in circulation; physical currency
monetary union
currency expansion; inflation of currency
currency contraction; deflation of currency
currency school; British currency school
currency principle; currency doctrine
safe-haven currency
fractional currency (e.g. cents, pence)
Examples (6 in total)
The Japanese yen is a stable currency.
The authorities managed to stabilize the currency.
Currency and bond markets are relatively calm.