Verb (1-dan, intransitive)
1. to be open (to traffic); to lead to; to communicate (with)
2. to flow (liquid, current); to pass; to get through to
3. to be understood; to be comprehended
4. to be honored; to be good
5. to be well versed in; to be well-informed
6. to communicate clandestinely; to keep in touch (e.g. with the enemy)
7. to form a liaison; to be intimate
8. to spread widely; to disseminate
Pitch accent
Composed of
authority; expert; counter for messages, letters, notes, documents, etc.; understanding (esp. of male-female relations); tact; supernatural powers
Used in vocabulary (6 in total)
to relate to; to have one's feelings understood
to be comprehensible
to have secret communication with; to have a tacit understanding with
Examples (26 in total)
None of the telephones are working.
This road leads to the station.
This path will lead you to the shrine.
The door opens into the bedroom.
I couldn't make him understand my English.
I got to know her through one of my friends.
He is well versed in foreign affairs.
This door leads to the study.
This road leads to the airport.
He didn't understand Mary's joke.
I got to know Tom through one of my friends.
The path led to the village.
This road leads to Hong Kong.
We must keep in touch with the times.
This road goes to the city.
Many words are acquired through reading.
Money circulates through the banking system.
In all cases, love is perseverance.
Syphilis is an infection that can be transmitted through sexual intercourse.
Which highway leads to the football stadium?
This mountain is covered with snow all year round.
Either of the two roads leads to the station.
He seems more or less familiar with the subject.
He traveled widely throughout his lifetime and led a life with a lot of movement.
This country road leads to a small town ten miles away.
Afghanistan and Iran both changed their national anthems several times in the course of the 20th century.