Verb (1-dan, transitive)
1. to hurt; to injure; to cause pain
usu. 痛める
2. to harm; to damage; to spoil
usu. 傷める
3. to worry; to bother; to be grieved over; to afflict
usu. 痛める
4. to cause financial loss; to hurt one's pocket
usu. 痛める
Pitch accent
Composed of
ouch; ow; that hurt
Used in vocabulary (6 in total)
to be concerned about
to be grieved at heart; to be troubled; to be worried; to trouble oneself (about something)
to worry oneself (about)
Examples (16 in total)
I hurt my shoulder.
I hurt my back.
I hurt my elbow.
I fell down and hurt my wrist.
That's when I injured my ankle.
I hurt my elbow playing tennis.
I hurt my knee playing soccer.
He got his neck broken in the accident.
He hurt his knee when he fell.
The man next door seems to have hurt his back.
She hurt her foot when she fell off her bicycle.
I can't help you move the piano because I have a bad back.
Mary has a bad back. It's hard for her to lift things.
Both Tom and Mary hurt their knees.
I hurt my leg playing football.
I hurt my knee today, so I'm not going to practice today.