1. confrontation
Verb (する)
2. to face; to confront; to encounter
Kanji used
Pitch accent
Top 8000
Composed of
direct; in person; frankness; night duty; shift (e.g. in a factory)
face; mask; face guard; (in kendo) striking the head; surface (esp. a geometrical surface); page; aspect
Examples (32 in total)
He is faced with a difficult problem.
We are confronted with a difficult situation.
We are faced with a host of problems.
I am confronted with a great danger.
You will be up against many difficulties.
We are faced with many difficulties.
We are facing a violent crisis.
The world is confronted with the problem of environmental pollution.
Japan is confronted with severe economic problems.
The country is confronted with a financial crisis.
Russia is facing great financial difficulties.
He proceeded in the face of danger.
We are faced with new kinds of diseases.
He was brave in the face of danger.
They are faced with a serious situation.
A soldier often has to confront danger.
We face competition from foreign suppliers.
We came up against massive popular resistance.
At the time, Japan was faced with a host of diplomatic problems.
He remained calm in the face of such danger.
You must know you're faced with a crisis.
He showed courage in the face of great danger.
It is not always easy to face reality.
He became brave in the face of danger.
Tom showed his courage in the face of danger.
At the time, our country was confronted with serious economic difficulties.
If not for the ozone layer, we would be in imminent danger.
The present housing policy is likely to come up against considerable opposition.
The minister had to face a barrage of questions from the press.
Some countries have stopped whaling in the face of international criticism.
Half a million children still face malnutrition in Niger.
Can you share food with others in the face of famine?