1. (a) jump
2. splashes (usu. of mud)
3. upward turn at the bottom (e.g. of a vertical stroke of a kanji or of a hairdo)
often 撥ね
4. close (e.g. of a theatrical performance); breakup
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (13 in total)
taking a cut (of someone else's money); taking a rake-off; pocketing a kickback; skimming (a percentage of the profits, proceeds, etc.)
win worth 12000 points (or, if dealer, 18000 points)
win worth 12000 points (or, if dealer, 18000 points)
rejected goods
tomboy; rebounding; recovery; repercussions; rashness; incautiousness
rebounding; recovery; repercussions; tomboy; rashness; incautiousness
jumping; jump (e.g. in prices); rashness; rash person
flip-up; fold-up; tip-up; top-hinged (e.g. window)
bucking horse; unmanageable horse
splash of mud; mud spatter
water bucket suspended from a weighted rod
rejected goods; sorted-out goods; jettisoned cargo