Verb (する)
1. cooking; food preparation
Pitch accent
Composed of
pitch; tone; time; tempo; mood; tendency
reason; principle; general principle (as opposed to individual concrete phenomenon); (in neo-Confucianism) the underlying principles of the cosmos
Used in vocabulary (13 in total)
cookware; cooking utensil
art of cooking; cookery; cuisine
kitchen table; kitchen counter; working surface
cooking practice; (school) cooking class
cook-house; galley; kitchen
chef; cook
kitchen utensils
cooking with heat
dressed bread; bread to which something has been added (sandwich, pirogi, etc.); stuffed bread (rolls, buns, etc.)
induction cooker; electromagnetic cooker
vacuum cooking; sous vide
Examples (6 in total)
He likes to cook.
Is this already cooked?
Tom is making french fries.