1. morning
2. next morning
when read as "あした"
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (4 in total)
next morning; following morning
morning of the New Year
morning dew
Examples (134 in total)
See you tomorrow morning.
It was a perfect morning.
I get up early in the morning.
It's morning in Japan now.
Is it morning already?
Let's wait until morning.
I'll call you tomorrow morning.
I don't wash my hair in the morning.
Are you free tomorrow morning?
I always take a bath in the morning.
I've been coughing nonstop since morning.
Let's leave tomorrow morning.
Lessons begin at eight in the morning.
Fried eggs are a morning staple.
I can't wait until Monday morning.
I'd like to check out tomorrow morning.
It was a morning like any other.
Isn't it a lovely morning?
If you don't go to bed soon, it'll be morning.
I will call you tomorrow morning.
It is difficult to wake up on cold mornings.
The morning air is fresh and pleasant.
I lost my wallet yesterday morning.
The temperature has fallen since morning.
Do you skip breakfast in the mornings?
Don't forget to pick me up tomorrow morning.
I prefer showering in the morning.
I am hungry because I did not eat breakfast.
I have an interview tomorrow morning.
"When do you get up?" "At 8 in the morning."
She got up at seven in the morning.
In Japan, it's three in the morning now.
Bob cooks breakfast in the morning.
She plays tennis in the morning.
It was a bright and clear Sunday morning.
She couldn't attend the morning church service.
Morning worship begins at eleven o'clock.
I like brown toast in the morning.
We arrived on the morning of the seventh.
It rained a lot yesterday morning.
The morning rush is at its peak now.
The children are giddy with excitement on Christmas morning.
Do not oversleep tomorrow morning.
The morning service began with a hymn.
Yesterday morning I ate a waffle.
Don't forget to wake me up tomorrow morning.
I saw many birds yesterday morning.
My brother is arriving tomorrow morning.
It rained hard yesterday morning.
The accident occurred yesterday morning.
We're going to leave tomorrow morning.
I find it hard to get up early on cold mornings.
They went to the park the next morning.
He left his hometown on a cold morning.
One morning he went for a walk.
It was raining this morning, but now it's sunny.
She has been practicing the piano since morning.
They go to church on Sunday morning.
We often took a walk along the seashore together in the morning.
I visited her on Sunday morning.
George had a lot of cheese for breakfast.
What time do you leave home in the morning?
The next morning found him dead in his bathroom.
I like walking, especially in the morning.
I got up at five that morning.
The traffic is heavy here, especially in the morning.
He used to meditate in the morning.
Mail this letter tomorrow morning.
I love to walk along the river in the mornings.
Roger works from morning till night.
I'm flying to Moscow tomorrow morning.
The graduation ceremony took place on the morning of the first of March.
Let's start jogging together from tomorrow morning.
My sister has been knitting since this morning.
Judy was born on the morning of September 5.
Tom usually takes a walk every morning before breakfast.
He knew she had been busy since morning.
One morning he saw a pretty girl.
He said that he had arrived there that morning.
One winter morning I met him.
The morning sun is so bright that I cannot see it.
In the morning I usually drink coffee, in the evening I drink tea.
We had been waiting since morning, but he didn't come after all.
They worked hard from morning till night.
"Why didn't you bring an umbrella?" "It was such good weather this morning!"
This morning it was much cooler than yesterday morning.
I try to always drink milk with breakfast.
The household was already awake at 6 in the morning.
Go to sleep, Tom. You need to wake up early tomorrow morning.
No matter how late you may stay up, get up by seven in the morning.
He works on the farm from morning till night.
Tom does that every Monday morning.
The snowman had melted completely by the next morning.
The secretary opened the mail which had been delivered that morning.
My father played golf that Sunday morning.
What is Jane going to do tomorrow morning?
I'm leaving for Chicago next Saturday morning.
It was on the morning of February the ninth that I arrived in London.
We must finish everything before Tuesday morning.
French hotels serve croissants and coffee in the morning.
It's been raining heavily since this morning, so I don't want to go anywhere.
I promise I'll mop the floor tomorrow morning.
My sister has been studying in her room since this morning.
My father works from morning till night every day.
I advised her to catch a morning train.
I was able to take a great photo during this morning's walk.
Can you drive me to the airport tomorrow morning?
Please remember to wake me up at seven tomorrow morning.
I work 3 hours every Sunday morning.
He came to see me on the morning of May 15.
Don't forget to water the flowers in the garden twice a day, once in the morning and once in the evening.
The airplane is scheduled to arrive at Honolulu tomorrow morning.
We've decided to leave this town tomorrow morning.
I'll be waiting for you at the station tomorrow morning.
He told me that he had lost his textbook the previous morning.
May I visit your office tomorrow morning?
"How long did you swim today?" "From 9 in the morning till 3 in the afternoon."
Remember to mail this letter tomorrow morning.
I have to get up early tomorrow morning, so I plan to go to bed early tonight.
On a rainy morning he left his house early so as to be in time for school.
Burnable trash should be put out by 8:30 a.m. every Wednesday and Saturday morning.
It was a September morning.
I've been hungry since this morning.
Get up fifteen minutes earlier in the morning.
Let's go to Shinjuku tomorrow morning.
I always drink two cups of coffee in the morning.
I am leaving Japan tomorrow morning.
We have to finish everything before Monday morning.
My neighbor always mows his lawn on Sunday mornings.
In England, in the summer, the sun rises at about 4 a.m.
The first session of the trade negotiations is at ten o'clock tomorrow morning.
He was born at seven on the morning of June 5 in 1970.
In the morning, Sandra eats a slice of bread and drinks a cup of coffee.
As a rule, he arrives at the office at about nine-thirty in the morning.