1. government office; agency; board
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (65 in total)
government office; government agency; authorities
ministries and government offices; the authorities
Metropolitan Police Department (esp. Tokyo)
government office building
central government office; head office; this office
National Police Agency
Tokyo Government Office
prefectural office
Financial Services Agency; FSA
Japan Defense Agency (became Ministry of Defense in January 2007)
government office
(Japanese) Meteorological Agency; JMA
municipal office
Imperial Household Agency
domain administrative headquarters (early Meiji)
Public Prosecutor's Office
National Security Board (1952-1954)
prefectural office (Hokkaido)
Fire and Disaster Management Agency (formerly: Fire Defense Agency) (Defence)
(Japanese) Agency for Cultural Affairs
prefectural office (of Osaka or Kyoto)
National Tax Agency (Japan); national taxation agency (e.g. IRS)
(governmental) branch office; subprefecture
Patent Office; Patent Agency
administrative agency; government authorities
(Japanese) Public Security Intelligence Agency
competent authorities; supervisory authority
Consumer Affairs Agency; CAA
Roman Curia; Curia Romana; Vatican
Agency of Natural Resources and Energy
Social Insurance Agency
judgment seat of Yama (judgement)
coming to a prefectural office, governmental agency, etc.
Environment Agency
Economic Planning Agency (defunct as of 2001)
(Japanese) Fisheries Agency
Forestry Agency
Science and Technology Agency (1956-2001)
administrative office; government agency
Reconstruction Agency (established after the 2011 Tōhoku earthquake)
the same agency; the same office
office of a retired emperor
office of a retired emperor
offices of a public or governmental organization (organisation)
Administrative Management Agency
General Affairs Agency
office in Heian Kyoto responsible for police and judicial duties
office in Heian Kyoto responsible for police and judicial duties
Director General of Hokkaido Development Agency
(Japanese) National Land Agency
local public prosecutor's office; subdistrict public prosecutor's office
Postal Services Agency
official reception hall
Immigration Services Agency (of Japan); Immigration Bureau of Japan
island government office
Supreme Public Prosecutor's Office
Marine Accidents Inquiry Agency
facilities administration organization (defence, etc.)
county seat; parish seat; borough seat; county town
government agency providing public services; government agency involved in public enterprise
Acquisition, Technology & Logistics Agency (of the Ministry of Defense)
Digital Agency (government agency responsible for the digital transformation of society)