1. noon; midday
2. daytime
3. lunch
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (27 in total)
midday; broad daylight
daytime; during the day; time from sunrise until sunset; diurnal period
sleeping during the day; (afternoon) nap; siesta
just before noon; late-morning snack
lunch; midday meal
lunch; midday meal
daytime television serial; soap opera
lunch; noon; midday; daytime; waking up; getting up
lunch break; noon recess; noon rest period
just past noon; afternoon
early afternoon
morning; forenoon; just before noon
about noon
noon; lunch time
day and night
daytime; noon; broad daylight
dunce; blockhead; inattentive person; (lit.) (a) lantern at noon
daytime; noon period of the day; matinee
day and night
soap opera
matinee (performance)
soap opera
daytime work (as opposed to work in the nighttime entertainment business or sex industry)
sneak thief; daytime prowler; pickpocketing
sneak thief; daytime prowler; pickpocketing
Examples (27 in total)
I slept until noon.
We take a rest at noon.
Every day at noon I have a one hour break.