Verb (1-dan, transitive)
1. to wear (in modern Japanese, from the shoulders down); to put on
2. to bear (guilt, etc.)
Pitch accent
Top 46200
Used in vocabulary (6 in total)
to wear the mantle of (borrowed) authority and misuse it
to put on clothes; to wear clothes; to be the personification of
something to wear; clothes
Examples (118 in total)
I don't wear pajamas.
What shall I wear when going there?
Try this on.
Could I try this on?
Put on your school uniform.
Let's get you dressed.
Astronauts wear spacesuits.
You should just wear summer clothes.
Mary was wearing a sleeveless summer dress.
Tom is wearing a wetsuit.
Cosmonauts wear spacesuits.
May I try it on again?
Do you really want to wear that?
A cute person will look cute no matter what they wear.
He is particular about how he dresses.
Wear something blue.
What are you going to wear to the party?
She is in a cute swimsuit.
Try on that shirt.
She is attractive when she is dressed in white.
Can you put on a kimono by yourself?
Wear warm clothes in winter.
She wore a simple dress.
A nurse wears white.
She wore a green dress.
Why is Tom wearing a jacket?
She was in a silk dress.
Put on a jacket, or you'll catch a cold.
Try on this sweater.
Why are you wearing a tux?
John had put his sweater on inside out.
I wore a coat so I wouldn't catch a cold.
Most of the soldiers were wearing camouflage uniforms.
In the summer, I wear short-sleeve shirts.
Hiromi is wearing a new dress.
What do you usually wear to school?
Some students don't like wearing uniforms.
I got cold, so I put on my coat.
The American police are in blue uniforms.
We all wear uniforms to school.
Help Grandad put his coat on.
He put on the red jacket.
It's a hassle trying to decide what to wear to the party.
Who is the girl in the pink dress?
She wore a loose jacket.
The bride was wearing a pure white dress.
He always wears a blue shirt.
Who is the woman in the brown coat?
Men don't wear vests much these days.
The queen was wearing a magnificent silver dress.
I wear white shirts on weekdays.
The dress Mary was wearing was white.
The men are wearing short sleeve shirts.
Wear this coat, or you'll catch a cold.
You should put on a raincoat because it's cold outside.
Judy decided to wear her new bikini.
Do you remember what Cathy was wearing at the party?
She fell asleep with her sweater on.
Mary was wearing a knee-length blue dress.
You should put on your anorak. It's cold out there.
One of the men was wearing a blue sweatshirt.
You are beautifully dressed.
We use cloth to make clothes.
No matter how cold it was, he never wore an overcoat.
She wears the same kind of clothes as her sister wears.
I'll hold your bag while you put on your coat.
Your shirt is torn. You better put on another shirt.
The main street is filled with girls in kimonos.
The girl in the blue coat is my daughter.
You look better in this dress.
Everyone was dressed in a beautiful kimono at the party.
She was dressed all in white for the wedding.
Amy wants something new to wear.
The doctor was in a white gown over a blue suit.
New York City policemen wear navy blue uniforms.
We bought new uniforms to wear at the game.
He was dressed in a dark suit at the meeting.
The school rules require students to wear school uniforms.
New York City policemen wear dark blue uniforms.
Mary often wears revealing clothes.
First John put on his coat, and then he picked up his hat.
She was wearing a men's shirt which did not fit her.
He looked really wonderful in his top hat and tails.
Do you remember what I was wearing the first time we met?
Do you remember what you were wearing the first time I met you?
Why didn't you try the dress on before you bought it?
He had no clothes other than what he was wearing.
What do you think I should wear on my date tomorrow?
He looks his best in his uniform.
I thought you were going to wear your new suit.
The girl in a white uniform took my temperature.
He rushed into the room with his coat on.
Put this jacket on, and you'll be much warmer.
Try on that shirt. It's made of fine cotton.
The shirt Tom was wearing today was made by his mother.
She provided the traveler with food and clothing.
She was at a loss what to wear for the party.
Do you have anything to wear to the dance?
Tom wore his best suit to his job interview.
What was I wearing at that time? Do you remember?
My daughter has grown out of all her old clothes.
It was the tall man in the long, black coat.
He was wearing a gold necklace and a coat made of bird feathers.
He was wearing black trousers and a beautiful white shirt.
My maternal grandmother persists in wearing that old-fashioned dress.
Croquet players must wear white clothing during play.
I have so many clothes I don't know what to wear tomorrow.
She wore a blue dress made by her mother for the concert.
She looks pretty no matter what she wears.
My mother wants me to wear her wedding dress.
Try this on. It's your size.
John is very careless about his clothes.
Mrs. Sugimoto always wears neat clothes.
I've been wearing this denim jacket for 15 years now.
I like this overcoat. May I try it on?
We're going to the party in eighteenth century costumes.
My sister, wearing her favorite red coat, went out today.
Tom and John are identical twins and often wear matching clothes.