1. bamboo (any grass of subfamily Bambusoideae)
2. middle (of a three-tier ranking system)
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (45 in total)
bamboo shoot
small wooden Japanese toy that flies when spun between the palms of one's hands
stilts (for walking); hobby horse
Sasamorpha borealis (species of bamboo grass unique to Japan)
bamboo grove
bamboo spear
bamboo broom
(arch.) Chinese bamboo; (arch.) bamboo imported from China (often used to make flutes); descending vertical sword attack (in kendo, etc.)
bamboo basket
thin strip of bamboo
made of bamboo
clear-cut and straightforward; (of a person) forward-thinking; honest; upright
bamboo sheath; bamboo peel
bamboo dealer; person selling bamboo or articles made of bamboo; house made of bamboo
bamboo rod (stick, pole)
split bamboo; bamboo slat; bamboo split; noisy bamboo baton used by night watchmen (Edo period)
soot-colored bamboo (coloured); bamboo duster (with the leaves still attached at one end)
bamboo enclosure
bamboo bundle; bamboo shield used for defending against projectiles in battle
bamboo charcoal
small bamboo
bamboo growing along a river bank; Japanese timber bamboo (Phyllostachys bambsoides); giant timber bamboo; Simon bamboo (Pleioblastus simonii); (arch.) prostitute; (arch.) the life of a prostitute
node (joint) of a bamboo
match made in heaven; perfect match; great coupling; family crest featuring a ring of bamboo with a sparrow in the middle
veranda with bamboo flooring
Japanese timber bamboo (Phyllostachys bambsoides); giant timber bamboo; madake; Henon bamboo (Phyllostachys nigra var. henonis)
bamboo chip
kanji "bamboo" radical at top (radical 118)
Chinese sugarcane (Saccharum sinense) (used for making wasanbon)
thick growth of bamboo
cut bamboo
bamboo nail (spike, peg, etc.)
blue-green; malachite green; color of green bamboo
bamboo screen or blind
bamboo gun (toy)
bamboo garden; the imperial family
the Wakatake Variety Theater
Takeshima problem
eighth lunar month
bamboo tile; tile made out of bamboo
bamboo tile; tile made out of bamboo
ricebean (Vigna umbellata)
(musical) strings and bamboo
bamboo garden; (arch.) Imperial family
bamboo flute; bamboo for making flutes; wind and string instruments
Examples (6 in total)
I made a table out of bamboo.
There's bamboo growing in the garden.
Pandas love bamboo.