Verb (5-dan, く, transitive)
1. to build; to construct; to erect
2. to amass (e.g. fortune); to pile up
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (4 in total)
to lay the foundation (for)
to construct an embankment
to pile up a mound
Examples (11 in total)
He accumulated a large fortune.
The rebels made a barricade across the road.
Mary barricaded herself in her room.
The protesters barricaded the entrance.
The merchant accumulated tremendous fortune during the postwar era.
They built the walls of the fortress without using cement at all.
War breaks out when nations try to form their own empires.
Many families left to make a new life on the frontier.
Though the Incas built up a great civilization, they had no system of writing.
They built their empire in Peru about five hundred years ago.
A successful business is built on careful financial management.