1. hell
Pitch accent
Composed of
ground; land; the region in question; the local area; skin; texture; fabric
jail; gaol; prison
Used in vocabulary (31 in total)
antlion (larva); doodlebug; antlion pit
Venus flytrap; Venus's flytrap
sharp ear; long ears; ability to remember everything one hears
painting of a scene in Hell; a picture of Hell
hell on earth; living hell
the cauldron of Hell (in which sinners are boiled)
the Avici hell (the eighth and most painful of the eight hells); hell of uninterrupted suffering
the Avici hell (the eighth and most painful of the eight hells); hell of uninterrupted suffering
burning hell; inferno
(going straight) from heaven to hell
debt trap; debt hell; being in debt up to one's ears
picture of Hell; painting representing Hell
Avici hell (the eighth and most painful of the eight hells)
naraka (hell) realm
money talks; money is the key that opens all doors; money is the best lawyer in hell; (lit.) even the verdict of hell is determined by money
picture of Hell
The Eight Greater Hells
flames of hell
(entrance) examination hell
Sañjīva (one of the Eight Greater Hells); hell of being torn to pieces and revived over and over
examination hell; ordeal of entrance examinations
there is only the thickness of the boat's planking between one and perdition; on a boat, one is only an inch or two from a watery grave
Mahāraurava; The Hell of Great Wailing; The Great Screaming Hell; the fifth of eight hot hells in Buddhism
commuters' hell; commuting hell
traffic hell, traffic congestion
foxtail wedged tenon joint; blind tenon joint with wedges inserted into slots on its end
the line between good and evil is no wider than a razor's edge
you can make friends anywhere; (lit.) not even in hell is everyone an ogre
you can make friends anywhere; (lit.) (you can make) acquaintances even in hell
even hell can be home
loan shark hell; distress caused by high-interest loans and aggressive collection methods
Examples (7 in total)
Welcome to hell!
Life is more hellish than hell itself.
The place became a hell on earth.