1. area; region
Pitch accent
Composed of
earth; ground; place; territory; bottom (of a package, book, etc.); earth (one of the five elements)
region; limits; stage; level
Used in vocabulary (69 in total)
regional community
disputed territory; conflict area
community-based; local-based
regional; local
occupation zone
critical section
community-based health care; community medicine
regional difference
regional conflict
promotion of regional development; encouragement of local development
regional revitalization; local revitalization
northern region; the north
poor region; deprived area
commercial area; business district
area of operation
industrial area; industrial district; industrial zone
specific area; specified region; designated area
communally owned cat
regional economy; local economy
underpopulated area; lightly-populated area
localisation; localization; L10n (in IT)
regional colour (color); regional flavour (flavor)
community cooperation; regional cooperation; local cooperation
community or regional development
small area; subregion
bonded area (i.e. customs)
regionalism; sectionalism; localism
regional representation
free trade zone; free trade area
district heating
community life; local life; regional life; integration in the community; living in the local community (social work)
area outside an urban planning zone; no land-use zoning area
local political party
regional power; powerful nation within region
low uplands; intermediary area between plains and mountains
community pharmacy
specific-use district; district designated under zoning regulations
regional air-conditioning; community air-conditioning; district heating and cooling
dollar area
flood-stricken region; flood-stricken area
judicial region
local code; area code
regional Bell operating company; RBOC
local competition (between telephone service providers)
local telephone service
local telephone company
local postal attributes
regional sovereignty reform (decentralization of power to local governments)
regional trade; local trade; exchange within a region
regional stock exchange
comprehensive community sports club
non-sovereign territory
dual residence (in both the city and country)
unincorporated area; township not formally in a municipality
semi-residential zone; quasi-residential area
medium and high-rise residential zone
Examples (51 in total)
Don't go into that area.
Infect the area with cholera.
The disease is prevalent in the area.