1. (social) position; status
Pitch accent
Top 50000
Composed of
earth; ground; place; territory; bottom (of a package, book, etc.); earth (one of the five elements)
rank; place (e.g. first place); decimal place; counter for ghosts
Used in vocabulary (6 in total)
social status; social position
higher position
status of forces agreement; SOFA
Examples (19 in total)
An expensive car is a status symbol.
Are you content with your position in the company?
He gave Tom an important position.
Robert is content with his present position.
He rose to the rank of sergeant.
I am ready to give up my position.
He promised me the position of company president.
He is the right man for the post.
The status of a doctor is very high in this community.
She has a very enviable position.
Beth is unqualified for such a responsible post.
She gained a position of responsibility in the firm.
Obviously, they are jealous of his wealth and status.
My father has no longer a responsible position.
He didn't want to disappoint his wife by giving up his new position.
Mr Frost is eligible for the post.
The goal of education is not wealth or status, but personal development.
The current low status of the elderly may be changing, however.
He lost his position only because he refused to tell a lie.