1. wisdom; wit; sagacity; sense; intelligence
2. prajna (insight leading to enlightenment)
usu. 智慧
Pitch accent
Top 32500
Composed of
wisdom; jnana (higher knowledge)
wisdom; enlightenment; prajñā (one of the three divisions of the noble eightfold path); wisdom
Used in vocabulary (13 in total)
mental retardation
wise man
battle of wits; contest of wits
to rack one's brain
wise man
teething fever; developmental fever; fever that brings with it an intellectual or psycho-developmental growth spurt
puzzle ring; wire puzzle; exercise where students link crossed hands in a circle and try working together and without letting go
the wisdom of Manjushri
having wisdom and resources; being clever and talented
wisdom and good (common sense) judgment
being too clever (for one's own good); getting done in by one's own cleverness
dissection puzzle (tangram, Sei Shonagon chie-no-ita, etc.)
Examples (3 in total)
He is a man of wisdom.
Proverbs are full of wisdom.
You get more wisdom as you have more experiences.