1. man; male
2. fellow; guy; chap; bloke
3. male lover; boyfriend; man
4. manliness; manly honor; manly honour; manly reputation
Pitch accent
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Used in vocabulary (103 in total)
boy; son; baby boy; young man
handsome man; man's looks; good looks; manliness
masculine woman; mannish woman; feminine man; effeminate man; intersexual; hermaphrodite
abominable snowman; yeti
handsome man; looker; good guy; great guy; influential person (esp. in the yakuza); sumo wrestler
lover; lady-killer; sexy guy
chivalrous spirit; chivalry
men's bath; men's section in a public bath
married woman's secret lover; paramour; adultery (by a married woman)
ugly man
dandy; handsome and fashionable man; fop; chivalrous man
feminine man; effeminate man; masculine woman; mannish woman
chivalrous man who helps the weak and fights the strong; knight in shining armor; ruffians who act under the pretence of being chivalrous
big man; large man; tall man; giant
handsome man; looker; good guy; great guy; influential person (esp. in the yakuza); sumo wrestler
fellow men; between men; among men; man-to-man
middle-aged man
small man
man with a gentle nature; man of delicate features; man of slender build; effeminate man; feeble man
young man who has a feminine aesthetic
men's things; menswear; men's wear; men's; for men
male friend; man friend
men; manservant; male attendants to an actor
men; manservant; male attendants to an actor
misandry; man-hater
(of a woman) strong-minded; spirited; mannish
no-good man; (male) loser
attractive to men; in a style (appearance, look, etc.) that men fall for; amorous woman
man's weeping (esp. someone not prone to tears)
father; male parent
giant; woodsman; alpinist
man who is popular with women
man among men; manly man; alpha male
man's looks; handsomeness; good-lookingness
luck with men
a real man would (shut up and) ...
the good fortune to have been born male
male part or role
male temple employee (esp. one who does odd jobs)
men's language; male language
a man's word is his bond; a man does not go back on what he's said
brothers; male siblings
male-dominated society; patriarchal society
man who brings good weather with him wherever he goes; man who is always lucky with the weather
accompanied by a man; accompanied by men
being used to socializing with men (of a woman)
rowdy fellow; tough; bully; ruffian
rugged mountain (of the more rugged mountain of a pair of mountains)
shining example of a man
single male; bachelor
prime of manhood
chasing after men
widower; divorced man not remarried; bachelor; single man
man who brings the rain with him wherever he goes; man who is constantly unlucky with the weather
male presence
man's looks; handsomeness; good-lookingness
room for menservants
man who financially depends on a woman
farm hand; tenant
Man of the Year, referring to a man born in a year with the same Chinese zodiac sign as the current year
scarcity of eligible men; difficulty for a woman to find a man; man shortage
male entertainer
man from eastern Japan (esp. Edo or elsewhere in the Kanto region)
popular figure; outstanding person; well-known person; lion
man's appearance; man's behaviour; someone disguised as a man
Kyoto man; man from Kyoto
skinny man; shabby-looking man; noh mask representing a male ghost
male name; adult name
seductress; coquette; minx
woman with a turbulent love life; woman always having man trouble
professional male mourner; keener
man's handwriting; kanji; Chinese characters
men's; for men
otokogata; male role in kabuki; kabuki actor who specializes in male roles; male partner (in a relationship)
unpopular man; man who isn't well-liked by women
shit guy; dick
square knot (starting with a right loop); double knot; reef knot; granny knot
male bragging; male conceit; bragging about one's husband or (male) lover
obi for men's use; men's kimono sash
dance where a female dancer dresses up as a man (late Heian to early Kamakura period); noh dance performed by a man without a mask
man dressed like an artisan; man of workmanlike appearance
man dressed like an artisan; man of workmanlike appearance
tout; arbitrator (esp. in a play)
Boy's Day celebration (May 5)
man who scatters beans on Setsubun; small man; little man; lewd little man
leaving (something) up to one's man (e.g. husband, boyfriend, etc.)
flirt; tease; promiscuous woman
men should be brave, women should be affable
male presence
male presence
rich or poor, a man is a man; (lit.) a man whose hair is tied with straw is still a man
male TV announcer
men are the strong base to which women cling; (lit.) men are pine trees, women are wisteria vines
man in the moon
secret (male) lover
imperial prince
farting jester (Edo period); flatulist
Examples (200 in total)
We are men.
The man is wearing a pair of glasses.
This man is dead.