Usually written in kana
1. uchiwa; type of traditional Japanese handheld fan
Kanji used
folding fan
Pitch accent
Top 29700
Used in vocabulary (14 in total)
fan varnished with persimmon juice
gourd-shaped war fan; referee's fan; umpire's fan; fan-shaped emblem
Japanese fan made of feathers
uchiwa-e; woodblock print to be displayed on an uchiwa fan
uchiwa fan with a picture painted on it; picture uchiwa
Siebold maple; acer sieboldianum
Anthurium lily; flamingo lily; Anthurium
fan that is no longer needed in autumn
Sinictinogomphus clavatus (species of clubtail dragonfly)
fan lobster (Ibacus spp., esp. the Japanese fan lobster, Ibacus ciliatus); sand crayfish
ghost walker (beetle) (Mormolyce phyllodes); violin beetle
bonnethead (Sphyrna tiburo)
Spathiphyllum patinii (species of peace lily)