1. birthday
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (9 in total)
Examples (95 in total)
Whose birthday is it?
Today is your birthday.
Today is my birthday.
How was your birthday?
I forgot my own birthday!
What do you want for your birthday?
When is your birthday?
Tomorrow is his birthday.
My birthday is coming near.
Today is my sister's birthday.
Every day is someone's birthday.
It'll be my birthday soon.
My birthday is November 10th.
Today's my grandmother's birthday.
My birthday is in February.
I can't wait for my birthday next month.
I almost forgot that it was his birthday.
Do you remember your father's birthday?
Hope you'll have a wonderful birthday.
Here is a present for your birthday.
It so happens that today is my birthday.
I got a shirt from a friend for my birthday.
I'm late in saying this, but happy birthday!
I got a yellow handkerchief on my birthday.
It's ten days until my birthday.
His birthday is August 21st.
You will get a CD set on your birthday.
Today is one of my friends' birthday.
My birthday is close to yours.
Perhaps she doesn't remember my birthday.
I hope you had a good birthday.
I'll be back in time for my mother's birthday.
Strange things happened on her birthday.
My father bought me a camera for my birthday.
Thank you for inviting me to your birthday party.
What did you give Mike on his birthday?
I give my mother a birthday present every year.
My birthday falls on a Sunday this year.
Yesterday was my seventeenth birthday.
It was a party to celebrate her birthday.
He never fails to call his mother on her birthday.
I gave my sister a pearl necklace on her birthday.
I'm going to make a cake for Mary's birthday.
My birthday falls on Friday this year.
I received a sweater from her on my birthday.
My birthday is in October and my brother's is in November.
My father gave me a puppy for my birthday.
Today is the birthday of the queen of pop Kylie Minogue!
Thank you for remembering my birthday.
I don't know what to buy him for his birthday.
I lost the watch my sister had given me for my birthday.
My father bought me this bike on my birthday.
All his children want presents on their birthdays.
We chose her a nice birthday present.
Ken bought a fine wine for his father on his birthday.
Publication of the book was timed to coincide with the author's birthday.
He makes it a point to remember each one of our birthdays.
"Do you know what day it is today?" "No..." "It's my birthday!"
On his birthday, I took a train to the town in which he lived.
She gave me something very nice for my birthday.
She gave me a watch for a birthday present.
She makes a point of remembering each one of our birthdays.
She planned a birthday dinner for her cousin.
Publication of the article was timed to coincide with the professor's birthday.
His birthday was yesterday.
Do you feel birthdays are important?
My birthday's next week.
Is your password really your birthday?
Today is my sixteenth birthday.
I remembered your birthday this year, didn't I?
My father gave me a watch for my birthday.
I wonder what I should get you for your birthday.
His birthday is May 5th.
Tom gave this to me for my birthday.
October 20th is Tom's birthday.
My birthday is on March 22.
"Today's my birthday." "It's my birthday today, too."
My aunt sent me a birthday present.
My birthday is one month from today.
A birthday cake with twelve candles on top.
On what day of the week does your birthday fall this year?
Richard Wagner's day of birth was May 22, 1813.
He said that he would be eighteen on his next birthday.
My mother is making me a birthday cake.
I said that I would be twenty next birthday.
By the way, today is the 8th of June — my wife's birthday.
August 12th is two days before Mary's birthday.
He died a few days before his hundredth birthday.
My father bought me a digital watch for birthday present.
My mother put thirteen candles on my birthday cake.
It's my birthday today. I'm already eighteen.
We gave a party in celebration of his 70th birthday.
A few days after his thirteenth birthday, Tony, too, graduated from school.
She blew out all eight of her birthday candles.
My birthday is a month from today. That is to say, April 5th.