1. word; vocabulary
Pitch accent
Composed of
single; simple; singles (tennis, badminton, etc.); win bet (bet which predicts the winner of a race)
word; language; speech
Used in vocabulary (9 in total)
English word
vocabulary notebook; ring of vocabulary flash cards
Examples (52 in total)
Do you know this word?
Which word fits better here?
What does this word mean?
I'll try to use simple words.
You should look up that word.
I used the wrong word.
He changed a few words.
Was that word appropriate in that situation?
This word has two meanings.
How many English words do you know?
Where did you learn that word?
This word has a double meaning.
I remember that word.
This word is derived from German.
This word comes from Latin.
I don't know how to spell that word.
This word comes from Greek.
Look up the word in the dictionary for yourself.
I can't remember the meaning of the word that I looked up yesterday.
I don't understand the meaning of this word.
This word is not in common use.
I always have trouble pronouncing that word.
Everyone must memorize these words.
The teacher wrote French words on the blackboard.
Tell me a phrase with that word.
It's a word I'd like to find a substitute for.
We had to learn to read the word.
How many Spanish words did you learn yesterday?
Would you please tell me how to spell that word?
The teacher explained the meaning of the word to us.
The teacher made us repeat the word.
I know every word on this page.
Look up words in advance, before you attend a class.
The words would appear on his computer screen.
I have to learn many words and phrases by heart.
Intuitively, the basic atomic unit of meaning is a word.
The meaning of a word is determined by the context where it is used.
I think the translation of that word is unsuitable.
The accent of this word is on the second syllable.
Do you know a good way to learn new words?
I don't know what this word means. I'll look it up in the dictionary.
He taught me how to spell the word.
What various meanings can you find for the word "satellite"?
If you come upon a new word in a sentence, what will you do with it?
The teacher told the pupils to put those words down in their notebooks.
Although I have been studying Chinese for 2 years, there are still a lot of words I do not know.
You can't speak English with 100 words.
I only know a few words.
I learn ten new words every day.
80% of all English words come from other languages.
First you have to build up your vocabulary.
How do you read the last word on the third line?