1. unit; denomination
2. credit (in school)
3. in units of (e.g. "in thousands"); in amounts of
Pitch accent
Composed of
single; simple; singles (tennis, badminton, etc.); win bet (bet which predicts the winner of a race)
rank; place (e.g. first place); decimal place; counter for ghosts
Used in vocabulary (49 in total)
to fail to earn a credit; to fail to make the grade
monetary unit; currency unit
base unit (metre, etc.); standard unit
astronomical unit; AU
per unit time; rate per unit of time
imaginary unit
unit symbol
identity element; neutral element
source module; compilation unit
functional unit
economic unit (entity involved in economic activity, e.g. households, businesses, nations); economic unit (measurement of economic activity)
coursework completed without degree; withdrawal from a course having completed the coursework
point system; credit system
collating (printing)
prefixed unit of measurement (i.e. millimeter, kilogram, etc.); supplementary SI unit (radian and steradian)
International System of Units; SI
lexical unit; lexical token
identity matrix; unit matrix
local labor union; local labour union
local labor union; local labour union
derived unit (i.e. metre per second, cubic metre, etc.)
derived unit (i.e. metre per second, cubic metre, etc.)
advanced standing (in school or college); credit for prior studies
Access Unit; AU
per-connection; by connection
SDU; Service Data Unit
systems management functional unit
module; program unit
PDU; Protocol Data Unit
raster unit
basic measurement unit
storage unit
unit string
scaled measurement unit; SMU
separately compiled program
output level (e.g. in manufacturing); consumption rate (e.g. fuel, power); intensity
electrostatic unit; esu
electromagnetic unit; emu
Examples (13 in total)
What are the units of time?
A centimeter is a unit of length.
The family is the basic unit of society.