1. most part; greater part; majority
Pitch accent
Composed of
large; big; great; prominent; -sized; as big as; university
portion; section; part
Composed of
lengthy (of a book, etc.); voluminous; most (e.g. most part); greater; fairly
part; portion; amount; worth (as in "two days' worth"); one's means; one's place; one's duty
Examples (35 in total)
They were mostly women.
They were for the most part high school students.
The participants were for the most part women.
Most of them were college students.
The greater part of the guests were foreigners.
The work has been almost completed.
Most of the students here are diligent.
Most Japanese houses are built of wood.
Bricks consist mostly of clay.
The mass of the audience supported him.
Most signs are written in English.
Coal consists mostly of carbon.
Most Japanese opposed a tax increase.
These automobiles, for the most part, are manufactured in Japan.
Most Americans have a sense of humor.
Books occupy most of his room.
We spent the major part of our holidays in the country.
The majority of his income goes to pay his rent.
She spends a major part of her income on food.
This holds for most of us.
It turned out that my memory was largely correct.
Almost everyone has already left.
Almost everyone I know has a bicycle.
Most boys admire baseball heroes.
It is from advertising that a newspaper earns most of its profits.
Almost everyone here can speak French.
Americans spend much of their free time at home.
The results he has got are, in the main, satisfactory.
The students were for the most part from the West Coast.
In an affluent society most people have a high standard of living.
The majority of the middle-aged people felt anxiety for their future.
He has spent most of his time as a career diplomat.
The greater part of the money was spent.
Much of London was destroyed in the seventeenth century.
The shops are for the most part closed at ten o'clock.