Adjective (な)
Adjective (の)
1. adult; grown-up
Kanji used
Pitch accent
Top 1100
Used in vocabulary (25 in total)
obedient; docile; quiet
to grow up; to become an adult
to look (sound, behave) grown-up; to be adult-like; to mature
grown-up (manner, etc.); mature; adult
(an) adult their age (should, should not, etc.); grown man (woman); person who is old enough (to know better)
grown man; grown woman; grown-up person; sensible person
pretext for not revealing something (e.g. actual reason for one's failure, vested interest, etc.)
handling things like an adult; behaving like a mature grown-up
for use by adults; for adults
adultness; maturity
to act like a grown up; to pretend to be an adult
adultness; maturity
(an) adult their age (should, should not, etc.); grown man (woman); person who is old enough (to know better)
gentle; quiet; demure; sober; mild-mannered; meek
to grow up; to become adult; to start behaving like an adult
adult-cute; grown-up but girlish; fashion style of adult women characterized by makeup and clothing that subtly emphasizes cuteness
adult toy shop (i.e. a sex shop)
to grow up; to become adult; to start behaving like an adult
adult-cute; grown-up but girlish; fashion style of adult women characterized by makeup and clothing that subtly emphasizes cuteness
adult toy shop (i.e. a sex shop)
precocious; unchildlike; early-blooming
meekly; obediently; submissively; quietly; like a lamb
Examples (33 in total)
I'm an adult now as well.
You are now an adult.
Two adult tickets, please.