1. very; much; greatly; a lot of
Pitch accent
Composed of
large; big; older; senior; final; ultimate
Examples (59 in total)
I had a lot of fun at the party.
Reading is of great benefit.
He greatly enjoys soccer.
Thousands of spectators got very excited.
Jane has made great progress in Japanese.
I want to have a full and enriching student-life.
I have much confidence in my ability.
My tastes differ greatly from yours.
The king was greatly entertained by the music.
She is very proud of her daughter.
I was very moved by his story.
That is quite possible.
She takes a great interest in English.
I agree with your interpretation to a large extent.
The news surprised us much.
This book will be of great use to you.
I greatly admire her for her bravery.
The addition of salt greatly improved the flavor.
You will derive great benefits from learning English.
His efforts are to be highly praised.
The number of tourists has increased greatly in recent years.
I have a high regard for the integrity of our mayor.
Patterns of married life are changing a lot.
Those people contributed greatly to world peace.
Teaching demands a lot of patience.
The British have a lot of respect for law and order.
Penicillin has contributed much to the welfare of mankind.
His sudden death surprised us greatly.
We are very much concerned about the future of this country.
His songs were very popular with young people.
There's much room for improvement in this project.
Music and art can greatly contribute to the enjoyment of life.
Social customs vary greatly from country to country.
His honesty is worthy of great praise.
There is plenty of room for improvement in this dictionary.
The weather has a great deal to do with our health.
Her good fame was greatly damaged by this.
The driver is deeply attached to his old car.
He took great pains to find a shortcut.
Since the war, Japan has advanced greatly in science and technology.
His success encouraged me very much.
We were greatly surprised at the news of his sudden death.
Einstein's theories contributed greatly to modern science.
This artwork excited much controversy in the world of art.
They had games, made good friends, and enjoyed themselves very much.
People greatly differ in their views of life.
To our great relief, she returned home safe and sound.
The speech of the scholar is well worth listening to.
She was very agitated at the news of her lover's death.
They worked hard to aid the victims of the flood.
The Apollo program greatly advanced our knowledge of space.
She took full advantage of her stay in London to improve her English.
The interpretation of this data, however, is very much in dispute.
The bridge saved them a lot of time and trouble.
They take great pride in their daughter, who is now a famous singer.
Management practices at Japanese corporations are often very different from those at foreign companies.
In ten years our town will change a lot.
We had much difficulty in finding the bus stop.
Scientific knowledge has greatly advanced since the 16th century.