Verb (する)
1. arrest; apprehension; capture
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (22 in total)
arrest warrant
arrest on a separate charge
in flagrante delicto arrest; arrest of somebody in the act of committing a crime
mistaken arrest; arrest based on misidentification
arrestee; person arrested
criminal record
arrest without warrant
right to arrest; power of arrest
rearrest; recapture
techniques for arresting criminals; arrest technique
arrest record
immunity from arrest (i.e. of Diet members or foreign diplomats); diplomatic immunity; parliamentary immunity; legislative immunity
citizen's arrest
reason for arrest
false arrest and imprisonment; illegal arrest and confinement
stripping a Diet member of arrest immunity
citizen's arrest
crimes of abduction, confinement and bodily injury
false arrest and imprisonment; illegal arrest and confinement
illegal arrest and imprisonment resulting in death or bodily injury
You're Under Arrest (manga)
Examples (35 in total)
Am I under arrest?
Tom was arrested.
Was that the first time you were arrested?