1. bag; sack; pouch
2. skin of an orange (and other like fruits)
3. dead end
4. plot of land surrounded by water
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (35 in total)
one's mother
to beat someone by ganging up on them
sugar glider (species of flying phalanger, Petaurus breviceps)
Examples (20 in total)
I don't need a bag.
The bag is empty.
He carries a bag on his back.
The buildings are filled with bags of wheat.
How many bags of potato chips did you buy?
He had to carry the bag.
There is a little money in the bag.
I helped carry those bags.
He carried a bag full of apples.
The oranges in this bag are rotten.
I bought a bag of frozen corn.
The figs in the bag haven't been washed yet.
Were all of these in the same bag?
I carried the heavy bag on my back.
I put the bag on or beside the chair.
Put the wet umbrella in this bag, please.
These bags are very heavy, so carry one bag at a time.
I carried one bag, but the other one was left behind.
He used a big piece of paper to make the bag.
In Ikebukuro, Tokyo, there are some really good places to do window shopping.