1. appearance; air; condition; state; form
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Pitch accent
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Used in vocabulary (21 in total)
(outward) appearance; (proper) format (e.g. of an essay); form; appearances; decency; lip-service
appearance; look; dress
appearance (in the eyes of society); decency
(unpleasant) state of affairs; predicament; mess
nice-looking; seemingly fine; nice-sounding; polite-sounding; plausible (e.g. excuse); glib
scuttling (to escape in a panic, in shame, etc.); scurrying; scrambling
scuttling (to escape in a panic, in shame, etc.); scurrying; scrambling
nice-looking; seemingly fine; nice-sounding; polite-sounding; plausible (e.g. excuse); glib
face; looks
the unvarnished truth
decently; gracefully; plausibly; politely; tactfully; discreetly
with a nonchalant air
nice-looking; seemingly fine; nice-sounding; polite-sounding; plausible (e.g. excuse); glib
personal appearance; looks
personal appearance; looks
decently; gracefully; plausibly; politely; tactfully; discreetly
man dressed like an artisan; man of workmanlike appearance
scuttling (to escape in a panic, in shame, etc.); scurrying; scrambling
looking satisfied; looking very pleased
with a nonchalant air
state of standstill