Verb (する)
1. respect; esteem; reverence; honour; honor
Pitch accent
Composed of
zun (ancient Chinese wine vessel, usu. made of bronze); (arch.) honorific prefix referring to the listener; counter for buddhas
reverence; respect
Used in vocabulary (2 in total)
honorific language
Examples (54 in total)
He is respected by them.
Do you have anyone to look up to?
We have respect for our teacher.
You're respected by everybody.
You need to respect the elderly.
Anthony was respected by the Egyptians.
I respect my teacher very much.
He wanted to be respected by everybody.
Far from respecting him, I dislike him.
A boy needs a father he can look up to.
He wanted to be respected by the students.
We respected him all the more.
Artists are highly respected in France.
He is a scientist who is respected by everybody.
The country respects the Prime Minister.
I still respect Tom.
I respect Mr. Brown.
Because of his achievements, he is held in high esteem.
All the students respect their home room teacher.
I don't want to respect a man like him.
He was respected both as a teacher and as a man.
Those whom he lived with respected him.
Whom do you respect most in your life?
I respect those who always do their best.
I respect you for what you have done.
We cannot help respecting his courage.
He stared at her with a gaze of respect.
We look up to him as our leader.
Men and women must respect each other.
He deserves our reverence.
Our teacher is a sincere person, so I look up to him.
His behavior is worthy of respect.
Mr Hayakawa was respected by him.
They look up to him as their benefactor.
No one respected men like him.
I have a high regard for the integrity of our mayor.
I admire people who express their opinions frankly.
He is our teacher and a person we should respect.
We obey our parents because we honor them and we love them.
Whoever knows him well respects him.
Many people respect you. Don't let them down.
Mary gazed at George in admiration.
Peter showed due respect to his teacher.
He was greatly respected, while his son was as much despised.
Discussion is based upon mutual respect.
I respect all who always give it their best.
His brave deed earned him respect.
We respect him as a good senior.
I like him personally, but don't respect him as a doctor.
All his followers looked up to him as a wise and courageous man.
The orchestra members respected Mr Smith as a conductor.
I respect my uncle, so I named my first son John after him.
I respect my English teacher, Mr. Taniguchi.
In America elderly people are not given the same degree of respect they receive in many other countries.