1. zun (ancient Chinese wine vessel, usu. made of bronze)
2. honorific prefix referring to the listener
3. counter for buddhas
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (41 in total)
noble (person)
respect; esteem; reverence; honour; honor
your house
dignity; majesty; sanctity
haughty; arrogant; pompous; self-important
your countenance (his ..., her ..., etc.)
honorary title
extreme reverence; deeply revered person; the Emperor
holy master; guru
self-respect; esteem; self-importance; pride
you; your father
Jizo (guardian deity of children); (image of) Khitigarbha-bodhisattva
your name
Yuanshi Tianzun (one of the supreme divinities of Taoism)
self-conceit; vainglory
Acala (Wisdom King); Āryācalanātha; Fudō; fierce Buddhist deity
the three people one must esteem: master, father, teacher
statue of a noble character; your picture
honorific language
elder brother; elderly person
central image (e.g. in a Buddha triad)
someone's father; one's companion
honorary title; title of honour; title of honor
someone's letter
your order
your (his, her) health; image (e.g. of Buddha)
your countenance
direct ancestors; ascendant
respect for women
your idea
someone's letter
your visit
various buddhas, bodhisattvas, deities, etc.
your family; your mother
one's superior
Butchōson (type of Buddha representing omniscience in Mikkyō Buddhism); Butchō
your house
one's superiors; one's seniors
Obediently yours