1. tribe; clan; band; family
2. (taxonomical) tribe
when read as "ぞく"
3. group (of the periodic table)
when read as "ぞく"
Kanji used
Pitch accent
Top 8200
Used in vocabulary (135 in total)
noble; aristocrat; peer
family; members of a family
class of demons; demonic race; family of demons
race; tribe; species; genus; stellar population (i.e. population I, II and III)
family; relatives; dependents; household
patriarch; head of a family
tribe; clan; house
people; race; nation; ethnic group; ethnos
relative; relation
clan; family
same family (race, tribe)
family of gods; clan of gods; tribe of gods
powerful family; powerful clan
family or person with samurai ancestors
Felis (genus containing the domestic cat)
peerage (in Japan; 1868-1946); nobility; aristocracy
young motorcycle-riding delinquents; bōsōzoku
tribe; branch family
Hominini; tribe comprising humans, chimpanzees and bonobos
one's class (and legal domicile)
nomadic tribe; nomadic people; nomadic race
aquatic fauna; aquatic animals
person who moves a lot for their job; family who moves a lot for the primary breadwinner's job
the nine nearest generations of relatives
pork-barrel politician; special-interest politician; politician lobbying for the benefit of the private industries to which they are connected
useless employees (shunted off by a window to pass their remaining time until retirement)
one's family or clan
three types of relatives (e.g. father, children and grandchildren; parents, siblings, wife and children; etc.)
clan; clique
Huns (nomadic people)
five races under one union (Han, Manchurians, Mongolians, Hui, Tibetans; founding principle of the Republic of China); harmony of the five races (Manchurians, Han, Mongolians, Koreans, Japanese; official policy of Manchukuo)
cannibals; cannibal tribe
Goths; Gothic peoples
Masai (people); Maasai
Cham (people)
Mongolian people
language family; family of languages
Aztec (people)
Han race; Han people
barbarian tribes surrounding ancient China
people who partied flamboyantly in Harajuku, etc. in the 70s and 80s
Mongolian people
dissolute postwar youths
Indo-European languages
smokers forced to smoke outside; (lit.) firefly tribe
Miao (people); Hmong
declining or impoverished aristocracy
five races under one union (Han, Manchurians, Mongolians, Hui, Tibetans; founding principle of the Republic of China)
smokers forced to smoke outside; (lit.) firefly tribe
vrooming motorcycle gangs; noisy biker gangs; reckless motorcycle riders; (lit.) thunder tribe
people (esp. kids) who spend a lot of time in the streets (of their residential areas), being noisy; group of politicians who support highway construction interests; (lit.) highway tribe
relative; relation; family tie
group of politicians who support construction interests; (lit.) construction tribe
Bantu peoples
Karen (people)
Altaic (family of languages)
Miao (people); Hmong
Gaoshanzu; Gaoshan; indigenous tribes of Taiwan
Ainu race; Ainu people
Zhuang (Chinese ethnic minority group); Chuang
San (people)
Sherpa (people)
Yao (people)
Algonquin (nation)
Diet members with a special interest in education
subgroup (of the periodic table); subtribe
tribe; branch family
(of plants) growing in clusters; growing gregariously
vrooming motorcycle gangs; noisy biker gangs; reckless motorcycle riders; (lit.) thunder tribe
Hui (Islamic ethnic minority group of China)
housing project dwellers
family of functions
thumb tribe; thumb generation; people who are constantly typing on their phones with their thumbs; pachinko addict
people devoted to inline rollerskating
Tagalog (people)
Khoi (people); Khoikhoi; Khoi-khoin
Quechua (people); Quecha; Quichua
Tamil (people)
Dravidian (people)
Dravidian (people)
Li (people)
Bugis (people)
people who study or work while listening to the radio (or watching television, etc.)
Kinh (people); Vietnamese (people)
Semang people (Negrito ethnic group of the Malay Peninsula)
Nahuatl (people)
Lacandon people
Jarawa people (Andaman islands)
Toda people
Bombini (tribe comprising the bumblebees)
Bovini; tribe comprising domestic cattle, etc.
hostess bar recruiters, etc. dressed in black suits; young delinquents wearing black at Aomori's Nebuta festival
illegal street racers (on motorbikes)
Miyuki-zoku; Miyuki tribe; young people dressed in an Ivy League-inspired style who frequented Miyuki Street, Ginza, in the summer of 1964
backpacker (esp. mid-60s to end-70s)
backpacker (esp. mid-60s to end-70s)
Thai (people)
Yami people; Tao people
expense-account spenders
halogen family elements
Sino-Tibetan (family of languages)
aromaticity; aromatic property
oxygen family element; chalcogen
nitrogen group (group 15 of the periodic table)
(in Japanese history) one's class
interracial marriage; miscegenation
low-ranking samurai (1870-1872)
Sino-Tibetan (family of languages)
university graduate who has failed to find a high-paying job
couple with older man and younger woman; May-December romance
people who study or work while listening to the radio (or watching television, etc.)
Examples (5 in total)
There is no furniture in the houses of the Incas.
The Mayas made their balls out of rubber.
There are people called Incas in South America.