1. whole; all; general; gross; entire; overall
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (127 in total)
prime minister (as the head of a cabinet government); premier; leading; overseeing; leader
appearing all together
total (number); count
aggregate amount
all; the whole; on the whole; all in all; generally
rout; collapse
synthesis; coordination; putting together; comprehensive
(college) president; secretary-general
the entire strength; all hands; all the members
general mobilization; general mobilisation
supreme commander
all members; whole army
head temple of a sect; (organizational) headquarters; (organisational) headquarters
in general; generally; as a whole; all in all; altogether
commander-in-chief; supreme commander
all-out attack; general offensive
consensus; collective will; collective opinion
general term; generic name
general meeting
president (of an organization); director general; governor (of a central bank); party leader (esp. LDP)
sum total; total amount
total energy; all efforts
one's whole body
(command) headquarters
general election (of the lower house)
supreme commander
total; sum
eldest child; oldest child; child who carries on the family name; (arch.) pre-ritsuryo official established in key provinces, responsible for administration of his home and surrounding provinces; (arch.) head of a warrior clan (Kamakura period)
total population
general manager; general superintendent; general director (of a film, etc.)
supreme command; direction over all
whole army; entire army
round robin; having no losing tickets (of a lottery); brute force (in cryptography); using all combinations
sum total; summation
winner-takes-all (system)
wearing one's hair knotted in the back
overall finish; mop-up
general comment; Sohyo (General Council of Trade Unions of Japan)
general manager
total assets
in a body; concentrated force; combined efforts
Department of Defense (U.S.); the Pentagon
being disliked by everyone
complete financial statement; summing up; concluding
consul general
sweeping over (e.g. of a natural disaster); engulfing; sweeping victory; clean sweep
highlights; summary; compilation
mass resignation
general manager
general review (e.g. of one's lessons); dress rehearsal
general remarks
common bile duct
main gate
head family; main branch of a school or religion
head office; general office
mixed martial arts; MMA
executive chef; head chef
election campaign office
general inspection; complete overhaul
overall summary; (e.g. news) roundup
full retreat; general retreat
full dentures (e.g. no real teeth left)
(full) lining
total sales; total proceeds
observing a performance in a large group
institute for general research; multidiscipline laboratory
aggregate demand
complete budget
full score
total amount
secretary-general; general secretary (esp. of Communist parties of North Korea and China)
all members of the Diet; members of both houses
central head office; home head office; flagship store
full two-story house
final settlement
stroke-count of a kanji
total income; gross earnings
review article; general remarks
general index
gross domestic product; GDP
general description; exhaustive listing
finishing up (a job); selling out; buying up
hiring a number of geisha for an entertainment
gross national product; GNP
gross tonnage; aggregate tonnage
common carotid artery
general provisions; general rules
total cost
having furigana on all kanji in a document
(clothing) patterned all over
(clothing) patterned all over
mass dancing; large-group dancing; dance with entire troupe
total expenditures
thorough bashing; thorough flaming
national confession of Japanese war guilt (1945)
sum total of one's marks; total points or score
general strike
total operating expenses; total project cost; general expenses
national citizen identification number system
general overview; general survey
racemous inflorescence; raceme
Comprehensive National Development Plan (1962-)
all-Japanese-are-middle-class mentality
General Council of Trade Unions of Japan
the stroke-count of a kanji
return on assets; ROA
involucre; involucrum
general secretary (esp. of Communist parties of Vietnam and the Democratic Republic of North Korea); secretary-general
total cell count
Total Cost of Ownership
total number of discarded cells
displaying utensils after tea ceremony
common femoral artery
transformation of the population of Japan into idiots (because of television)
gross pay; total amount paid
Examples (1 in total)
Gross national product is a nation's total output of goods and services as measured in monetary value.