1. together; mutually; fellow
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (83 in total)
companion; partner; other party; addressee; opponent (sports, etc.)
draw; tie; quits; even; square
coupled with; together
riding together; sharing a car (taxi, etc.); doing in collaboration; backing of the same candidate by different political parties
to become (formal)
to follow in succession; to happen one after another
to be understood; to be comprehended; to be grasped; to become clear; to be known; to be discovered
to resemble each other; to resemble one another
to have an audience (with); to have an interview (with); to meet; to see
to finish; to end; to be completed; to fulfill one's obligations
to keep company; to listen to; to associate with; to play against (e.g. a team); to take on (e.g. a rival)
sitting between the host and guest of honour at a drinking party (honor); companion
partner (esp. in manzai); companion; partner for the night (e.g. at a brothel)
to face
to meet one another
to pile up; to cumulate
to compete with each other
staying in the same inn or hotel; rooming together
fellow guest; fellow lodger; fellow passenger
mutual assistance; mutual sympathy
partner; pal; accomplice
to face each other; to be opposite one another; to be in opposition; to conflict
usual; unchanging; eternal; same as always
to be prepared; to be in order; to be put in order; to be arranged
in conflict; incompatible; out of harmony; running counter; mutually exclusive; clashing with
to work (for); to be employed (at); to serve (in)
to pity (one another); to commiserate
fellow students
sharing a room; dormitory room; match between wrestlers from the same stable
to line up with
room connecting the two main rooms of a building; intermediate room
to be different and distinct; to be (relatively) distinct (when referring to items in a set)
to mutually shine on (each other)
if it is possible
to be contrary; to run counter (to); to conflict (with); to disagree (with)
opposing role; partner
out of one's league; facing a too tough opponent; outclassed
to fight with each other; to fight amongst yourselves
to face each other; to be opposite one another; to be in opposition; to conflict
to be in common; to have in common; to be in mutually understood; to be mutually connected; to have a link
to occur one after another; to happen in succession
involving only the parties concerned; tete-a-tete
the other party (usu. in business); person or party with whom you are dealing (on the other end)
to be equal in number, degree, etc. (of two things in opposition); to balance; to cancel out
equal to each other
catch crop; intercropping
to accompany
to know each other; to exchange vows; to love each other
to be adjacent (with each other); to come into contact (with each other); to touch (each other); to neighbor (neighbour); to border
to do something together
mutually contradictory
to be incompatible; to be contradictory
to grow together; to join together (in doing something)
sunset; evening bell; vespers bell
enshrinement of two or more deities in one building of a shrine; shrine building dedicated to two or more deities
facing; across from; opposite; facing each other
to have in common (with)
to get along well together; to be in tune with one another; to harmonize with each other; to go well together
one after the other; successively
joint ownership; sharing; going Dutch
being on duty with a colleague; partner; colleague
mutually; with each other; reciprocally; together
like minds gather
to accompany somebody; to bring somebody along; to get married
to be coupled with; to be combined with; (arch.) to await
to help each other; to complement
the good and bad deeds cancel each other out; good deeds make up for the bad
very sorry; remorseful; apologetic; contrite
like minds gather
growing old together (as a married couple)
partner; someone who shares one's load
mutual mourning (during which one does not make condolence calls or offer to help others also in mourning)
Go played by two equally skilled players
dish of white and red-fleshed fish arranged next to each other
doing something together; co-owning something and using it together; being on par with one another
gap; space; good relationship
Aimi Station