Adjective (い)
1. wonderful; splendid; magnificent
Kanji used
clear up
Pitch accent
Examples (73 in total)
How wonderful!
It's awesome.
She is awesome.
A really lovely story!
How wonderful this is!
Dinner was awesome.
Kate looks amazing.
What beautiful weather!
Your house is fantastic.
Everything else is fine.
What a lovely day!
Thank you for the great meal.
That's a splendid idea.
It was a beautiful sight.
The picture was wonderful.
That's a brilliant plan.
Tokyo was really wonderful.
This movie is just great.
Her English is excellent.
Your plan sounds great.
What a wonderful invention!
Tom was an excellent singer.
Bravery is a great virtue.
Kudos for your outstanding achievement!
Boston is a wonderful city.
This forum is marvellous.
Dublin is a wonderful town.
This is a pretty amazing place.
My mother was a wonderful person.
What a fine moon we have tonight!
Your examination results are excellent.
How wonderful this sight is.
Hope you'll have a wonderful birthday.
His taste in music is superb.
That's a really wonderful plan.
It was a lovely autumn evening.
The sun on the horizon is wonderful.
Driving along the coast is wonderful.
The artistic beauty of the garden is truly amazing.
Tom's mother is a wonderful pianist.
That was an excellent dinner.
They say Australia is a wonderful country.
His new car is a real beauty.
The congregation was moved by the fine sermon.
He has a great sense of humour.
I can't imagine anything more wonderful.
How wonderful a time we have had!
A wonderful idea occurred to me.
I discovered a very nice place today.
We had a wonderful time together.
He has a remarkable aptitude for music.
You mustn't miss seeing this wonderful film.
Your hat matches your dress marvellously.
The music we listened to last night was wonderful.
She gave me a wonderful present.
She has recently made remarkable progress in English.
To study abroad will be a wonderful experience.
The castle was transformed into a marvelous museum.
Such international cooperation produced great results.
I admire his skill at driving.
The tourists were fascinated with the exquisite scenery.
They admired the fine view from the hill.
I consider the Russian ballet the greatest.
Chris got a very good grade on that difficult homework assignment.
I was able to take a great photo during this morning's walk.
I can't draw, but my sister is a great artist.
Such was his eloquence that everybody was moved to tears.
I'll tell Tom what a tremendous job you did.
Jack's adventures are more amazing than those of the hero in many thrillers.
Asian religions inspire him to create splendid sculptures.
I spent a one month holiday in Japan and it was wonderful.
Diligence was the principal factor in his remarkable promotion.
It was such a wonderful movie that I saw it five times.