1. dhyana (profound meditation)
2. Zen (Buddhism)
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (28 in total)
zazen (seated Zen meditation, usu. in a cross-legged position)
Zen temple
Zen priest
Zen dialogue; Zen questions and answers
Zen (Buddhism)
monk; priest, particularly a high-ranking Zen monk honored by the imperial court
Zen nun
Zen meditation; meditative consultation with the head abbot
dhyana-samadhi (meditative concentration); ascetic practice atop a sacred mountain (in Shugendō); mountain top
Zen; Zen temple; Zen priest
Zen terminology; Zen words
Zen; entering the path of Zen
Zen studies; Zen practice
Zen temple
room for zazen meditation; room for Buddhist practices; Zen monk's quarters; head priest (of a Zen temple)
zendo (Zen meditation hall)
the flavor of Zen; the flavour of Zen; air or style of disinterestedness
Zen temple
self-styled Zen philosophy; sciolism; dabbling in Zen
Zen painting
self-styled Zen philosophy; sciolism; dabbling in Zen
Zen ascetic practices; Zen meditation; Zen teachings; Zen
Zen talk
wisdom obtained from meditation; wisdom and meditation
Zen Buddhism based on the teachings of Bodhidharma
Zen Buddhism based on the original teachings of Buddha
five approaches to meditation; five objects of meditation
Examples (1 in total)
They say that Zen strengthens our mind.