1. whole; entirety; whatever (is the matter)
Pitch accent
Composed of
all; whole; entire; complete (set); in total
body; physique; shape; form; substance; identity; field
Used in vocabulary (20 in total)
overall; on the whole
Examples (25 in total)
A whole is made up of parts.
The whole class was quiet.
My whole body feels heavy.
The explosion shook the whole building.
You can see the whole city from here.
The atomic bomb destroyed the entire city of Hiroshima.
The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.
The whole soccer team was on cloud nine after winning the championship.
I know the whole of the story.
It is as if the whole sky were on fire.
The walls supported the entire weight of the roof.
The whole country was covered with snow.
At present, consensus has yet to be reached.
You can see the whole park from the restaurant.
The whole mountain turns red in autumn.
The entire body is densely covered with hair.
You could see the entire city from the top of the Ferris wheel.
The whole class burst into laughter at the teacher's joke.
They agree that they have no choice but to give up the whole plan.
The entire theater turned to chaos when somebody cried "Fire!".
I grasped the whole meaning of the book by reading.
Working together, they cleaned the entire house in no time.
We climbed high enough to see the whole city.
The tornado destroyed the whole village.
The fire reduced the whole village to ashes.