1. all members; all hands; everyone; everybody; whole crew
Pitch accent
Composed of
all; whole; entire; complete (set); in total
Used in vocabulary (3 in total)
Everyone is safe (all right)
participation by all
Examples (96 in total)
Is everybody on board?
Is everyone here?
My family are all well.
We were all tired.
Is everyone hungry?
Almost everybody was invited.
Are you all beginners?
Are all the passengers on board?
All the crew were saved.
Attendance is compulsory for all members.
Is there enough food for everyone?
The whole family got out of the car.
The whole family was sick in bed.
Are you sure everyone's already left?
All of the students stood up together.
The criminals have all been apprehended.
The entire crew takes pride in its work.
All the students will partake in the play.
Not all of the staff was present.
All the people praised him for his honesty.
We all have passed the test.
Everyone in our class passed the exam.
We all knelt down to pray.
Let's find a solution that is acceptable to everyone.
Have the tourists all gone on board?
Are all of you guys homeless?
We shared the profit among us all.
The whole family set off on the trip.
They're all wearing name tags.
Betty killed them all.
All of us were homesick.
The entire crew was afflicted with food poisoning.
All my class are hardworking.
We all couldn't believe it.
I made the fact known to all my friends.
All the class waited for the new teacher.
Not all the students are against the plan.
Everyone but Mike was at the party.
All of you have to read it.
The whole class passed the test.
Mr George is liked by all the students.
They are all away on holiday this week.
Everybody except Joe went to the party.
The girl was laughed at by all her classmates.
The general ordered the massacre of all war prisoners.
The police had all the prostitutes line up in a straight line.
Everyone must memorize these words.
His joke made all the class burst into laughter.
Almost all of us can speak French.
They were unanimous that the war should be brought to a halt.
We were all rather exhausted.
All the workers who are lazy must be fired.
The teacher treated all the students fairly.
Those present were all against the plan.
All of my friends are from Boston.
The alarm rang and everyone had to evacuate.
Not all the candidates can pass the examination.
This young teacher is loved by all of the students.
There were enough seats for all of us.
There is enough bread for all of you.
The teacher had to evaluate all the students.
It's essential that everyone obeys the rules.
His poor song was laughed at by all the students.
He expressed his thanks to us all.
Those students are all studying English.
Our children all go to the local school.
The committee was composed entirely of young teachers.
Not all those students are present.
All the members of our club, excluding me, are men.
He ordered that everybody get up at six.
All passengers are required to show their tickets.
I want Tom to introduce me to all his friends.
Everybody without exception must take the test.
Not all the students of this school go on to university.
After lunch, we all boarded the bus and headed to our next destination.
The decision was acceptable to us all.
All the passengers were killed in the airplane crash.
They were all surprised to see me there.
All the students recognized her as their representative.
Not all of them are present at the meeting today.
Not every student studying law can be a lawyer.
To save the earth, all of us must do something.
That is why all the students in the class agreed with him.
We must take into account the wishes of all the family in planning a trip.
The dictator had the absolute loyalty of all his aides.
Everyone in the room burst out laughing when they saw Tom slip on the banana peel.
Dave is the fastest swimmer of all my classmates.
I am only too glad to hear that all of them are safe and sound in the rescue boat.
A blue suit, white shirt and red tie are essential for all male workers.
All thirty people on board died.
The boss gave us all a day off.
One of the children is studying, but the others are playing.
The bus fell off the cliff, killing all 10 aboard.
Some of the students are in the library, but the others are in the classroom.
Every Monday Mrs. Evans washed all the family's clothes in the tin bath.
I'll have you all speaking fluent English within a year.