1. good; goodness; right; virtue
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (48 in total)
good thing; good deed
betterment; improvement; kaizen (Japanese business philosophy of continuous improvement)
the very best; utmost
virtuous mind; good intentions; good will; positive mindset; bona fides; good faith
goodness; excellence; virtue
good and evil
good person; virtuous person
good deed; good conduct; benevolence
fighting a good fight; putting up a good fight; fighting bravely
second best
friendship; goodwill; friendly relations; amity
intrinsic goodness
intrinsic goodness
innate goodness of man
good and evil
good government
self-righteousness; self-justified
doing a good deed each day; doing one good turn a day
good use
the good and the beautiful
good God; good deities; true teachings of Buddha
good deeds; charity
evil; sin; vice; mischief
virtue; moral sense; conscience
friend who guides one to Buddhism through teaching
giving careful thought to the future; finishing up carefully
the ten good acts; the emperor
good deeds
good results
path of virtue; righteousness
all good works; all good deeds
good cause (that will bring a good reward); good deed
accumulation of good deeds
pious man
the highest good
spirit of goodness
a small kindness; minor good deed
in evil, there is odds; there is more evil than good in this world; one good thing tends to cause many bad things to happen
pious woman; female believer
beautiful calligraphy; calligrapher; good book
good management; good manager
Nihon Ryōiki (Heian period collection of Buddhist stories); An Account of Miracles in Japan; Miraculous Stories from the Japanese Buddhist Tradition
benevolent deities who protect the dharma
great sinners make great saints (after repenting)
successful vaccination; positive reaction
Nihon Ryōiki (Heian period collection of Buddhist stories); An Account of Miracles in Japan; Miraculous Stories from the Japanese Buddhist Tradition
Examples (4 in total)
The best is often the enemy of the good.
Competition is neither good nor evil in itself.
In the real world, good doesn't always triumph over evil.