Verb (する)
1. publicity; advertisement; advertising; propaganda
Kanji used
formally declare
Pitch accent
Top 6300
Composed of
imperial order; imperial decree
legend; tradition; biography; life; method; way
Used in vocabulary (30 in total)
impact of publicity or propaganda
sales message; sales copy
advertising department; public relations department; PR department
publicity or advertising expenses
advertising material; promotional material; propaganda material
propaganda work; propaganda efforts (maneuvers)
self publicity; advertising oneself
publicist; public relations officer; press agent; propagandist; flack
promotional flyer; advertising leaflet; circular
exaggerated advertisement; overblown advertising; hype
advance publicity
carrying out (political) propaganda activity on the streets
publicity arm or organ
information dissemination; public relations; propaganda
one skilled at obtaining publicity
propaganda campaign (offensive); advertising (promotional) offensive
promotional leaflet; handbill; flyer
promotional flyer; advertising leaflet; circular
publicist; propagandist
billboard truck; advertising truck
(adopting) a publicity (an advertising) policy; a propaganda line
Examples (5 in total)
They advertised a new car on TV.
Many companies advertise their products on TV.
The company will advertise its new product on television.