1. 1,000; thousand
阡 and 仟 are used in legal documents
Kanji used
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (20 in total)
great depth; bottomless; great height
thousand years; very long period; forever
to be torn off; to come off; to be torn to pieces; to be torn to shreds
great variety of flowering plants; light greenish-blue
8000; eight thousand; many
great variety of flowering plants; light greenish-blue; various
thousand years; very long period; forever
thousand times
a large number; all sorts; hundreds and thousands
Kurile Islands
many layers; many piles
Siege of Chihaya (Genkō War; 1333)
countless number; extremely large number
Japanese odd-scaled snake (Achalinus spinalis); Peters' odd-scaled snake; grey burrowing snake
soaking in dye innumerable times
to act violently (roughly, rashly)
many nights; a thousand nights
Chikuma Station
Chisato Station
Examples (24 in total)
Each individual paid 1,000 dollars.
There were about a thousand people.
There are about a thousand students in all.